Keeping a Promise

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After what had happened with the stray priest, the peerage and Y/n had come back to the clubroom with Y/n having not said a word as Rias was in a separate room healing Issei while Akeno, Kiba and Koneko were sitting down in the club room and Y/n was sitting on the edge of the open window with body still inside room and he looks outside seeing as nobody could see his facial expression.

Rias had finished healing Issei as Akeno was wrapping his leg in bandages while Rias was showering and everyone else was doing the same as before.

Rias: (From the shower) You need to relax at least till you get your full strength back. The light power that stray exorcist used on you was strong. You're lucky we showed up when we did.

Issei: A stray exorcist? I'm not even sure I know what that term means.

Kiba: A ton of them got the boot from the church, and for lack of options, many became servants of Fallen angels.

Issei: Wait...! You can't actually be saying Asia's in the same camp as that Freed dick?

Rias comes out of the shower wrapped in a towel.

Rias: We're not saying anything other than you're a devil. And for whatever reason, she's the servant of a fallen one. Those are the facts, Issei.

Y/n: (Under his breath) Bullshit.

Rias: Sorry Y/n you've been rather silent. Is there something you'd like to add to the conversation?

Y/n stands up from the window and turns around as they can all see the rage in his eyes as he raises his voice to Rias.

Y/n: I said it's bullshit and you know it!

They were all taken aback by his sudden outburst.

Y/n: Asia is one of the nicest people I have ever met and if you even think for a second that she's willingly working for the fallen angels then your fucking nuts!

He walks towards the door, talking as he goes.

Y/n: I'm going home, and I'm gonna find out where they're keeping Asia. Then I'm gonna save her and I don't care what you fuckers think. Besides, I'm not letting someone I care about die again.

He opens the clubroom door, leaving the room as Rias looks at the door in concern for Y/n while Issei looks in determination.


Y/n is sitting on a park bench  alone as he worries about Asia.

Y/n: I've spent the whole day looking for her, and still nothing. I'm sorry, Asia, but it looks like we won't see each other again.

Asia: Y/n, it's you.

Y/n turns to see Asia standing there behind him.

Y/n: Asia?

(15+ intro sequence)

After Y/n hugged the living shit out of Asia because he thought he would never see her again, the two decided to go get something to eat.

Asia is sitting opposite Y/n as she looks confused at the burger in front of her.

Y/n: Is something wrong, Asia?

Asia: No, nothing wrong, it's just that, I've never eaten something like this before.

Y/n: Wow. How sheltered were you? In any case, you just do this.

He picks up his burger before taking a bite and swallowing. (Not whole, he chewed)

Asia: Well, if that's the way you're supposed to do it... Here goes!

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