Hunting A Fallen

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Issei and his perverted friends, Matsuda and Motohama, are lying on a hill looking at the sky.

Issei: I gotta say, boobs are the best things ever.

Matsuda: Trust me, my man, you and I are on the same page!

Motohama: Me too... but it's all pointless.

The three of them watch as many different girls run around the school as Issei sits up.

Issei: Matsuda. Motohama. Can you guys tell me why the hell we enrolled in this school again?

Matsuda: Like you don't know... We're in a place that up until a few years ago was nuthin' but chicks...

Motohama: We had to take advantage of this male to female ratio. Also, the foreign exchange students here are ridiculous.

Matsuda: Poon as far as the eye could see! (I hated typing that word. Side note imma struggle to type 90% of this fucking story there are tits in almost every shot. I swear most of the budget went to animating anime tits)

Matsuda: We figured hoes would be linin' up to get on our jocks, and we wouldn't have to do a damn thing! We'd be drowning in that stank! (FUCK ME THIS IS PAINFUL TO TYPE I HATE THESE GUYS MORE THEN ANY ANIME CHARACTER)

Issei: Like our very own Harem!

Matsuda: Hell yeah! We were gonna have casual unprotected sex with hot chicks and then never call them again!

A group of girls wearing the school gym uniform jog a little bit away from the three.

Girls: One, two! One, two! One, two!

Issei: That was the plan anyway. But here we are up against the spring semester of our second year, and between the three of us, we don't even have one girlfriend.

Motohama: What's the point? It'll never happen.

Issei: No, we can't give up now. It's not too late for us!

The girls all(I don't even know how to describe the sounds they made. I watch the episode as I type, and they litterly sound like they moan as they see him) as they see, Kiba Yuto walk by, and they run to catch up to him.

Girl 1: Kiba, wait up...! What are you doing right now?

Girl 2: Yeah... you maybe wanna sing karaoke with us?

Kiba: Thanks... But I've gotta meeting with my club.

Girls: Awwww... that sucks.

Kiba: I really do wish I could go, though; it's very cool of you ladies to invite me.

Kiba walks away as they look at him dreamily.

Motohama: Kiba Yuto. Class 2-C... Him being one of the two 'Princes of Kuoh' every girl wants to sex him up.

Matsuda: And every guy wants to mess him up!

Issei: That tool! I don't get it... Just cause he's hot, sexy, really smart, and the coolest guy in school, they all wanna rub up on Kiba!?

Motohama: He sucks so much less than we do.

Issei: Life really does blow sometimes.

Matsuda checks his watch before grabbing his bag.

Matsuda: Oh shit. I'm gonna be late!

Issei: Huh...? Gonna be late for what?

Matsuda turns around and looks at them before putting his thumb up and has the goofiest fucking face I've seen in my life.

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