Devil Lesson 101

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Y/n: Sorry. Devils exist?

Akeno: Yes. I was under the impression you knew.

Akeno sat there, gauging his reaction, smiling the whole time.

Y/n: Well, when it comes to the supernatural, my knowledge is limited to Sacred Gears and Fallen Angels, so anything else is unknown to me. Also, please put some damn clothes on before I call the police and report a sex offender in my house.

Akeno: You're funny. Very well I'll put some clothes on.

Akeno stands up and walks over to Y/n's desk.

Y/n: I just saw your everything.

He said with a blush while he covered himself with a blanket.

Akeno: Want me to turn around so you can get a better look?

Y/n: First of all, no girl says that. Second of all hell to the fuck no.

Akeno: Alright then.

Akeno picks up her underwear before putting them on as she puts her bra on.

Akeno: Do you mind?

Akeno gestures to the clip to her bra on her back.

Y/n: At this point, sure, whatever.

He walks over and clips her bra on.

Y/n: So why in the fuck were you naked in my bed?

Akeno: You were badly wounded during your fight with the fallen angel, so I healed you. Unfortunately, it only works through skin to skin contact.

Y/n: That makes no sense whatsoever, but sure. Can you turn around so I can get dressed.

Akeno: Why? Is there something you don't want me to see?

Y/n: My dick? Yes. I don't want you to see it. So spin. Now.

Akeno giggles at that and turns around, allowing Y/n to get dressed while they continue to talk.

Y/n: So where's Issei?

Akeno: Oh, he was badly hurt as well, so Rias healed him too.

Y/n: Wait, so the biggest Perv in school was in bed naked with one of the most beautiful and popular girls in school?

Akeno: That's right.

Y/n: I swear to god, I'm gonna murder him. In any case, I'm dressed so you can turn around now.

Akeno turns around and sees Y/n in his uniform.

Akeno: I prefer your look from before.

Y/n What? Me butt ass naked?

Y/n said sarcastically, which made Akeno giggle again.

Akeno: Yes, that one. You're very funny. I like you.

Y/n: Yeah, well, join the club. I can't go to school without girls asking me out. I could go to school dressed as a fucking Avacado and get asked out still. Anyway, once you're dressed, come downstairs, and we'll walk to school.

Akeno: Okay.

Y/n walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Y/n: What the hell have I gotten myself into.


Y/n and Akeno walk through the entrance to school while everyone is confused about it.

Guy 1: There's no frickin' way!

Guy 2: That lucky bastard!

Guy 3: It wasn't enough that all the girls in this school were all over him and Kiba but now he's taken the biggest pair of jugs at this school!

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