story - hoover dam

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Title: Hoover dam

Best to tell: camping

By: unknown


There once was man, he lived alone. Everyone in the town hated him, and he hated everybody. He couldn't trust a single person, and had no friends.

While this man was getting older, he realized he needed a better job. So he quit his old job and saw on the news that close by people were building a huge dam and there was many job openings. He got the job and gained a lot more money, yet still hated everyone and didnt have any friends.

Many years later, when the last part of the now called Hoover dam had finally finished, they expected water to come rushing through any minute, so most men left the sight so no one would get swept away.

The man wasn't done though, he still had work he was desperate to finish. Some of the men about to leave started yelling out to him that the water was going and he needed to move out of the way or he would die.

Since the man didn't trust anyone, he ignored them thinking it was a prank.

Out of no where the water came rushing in, the man got swept away and as he was drowning his hands got cought on a broken pole that was sharp from shattering. Both of his hands were cut off, and he disappeared forever.

His body was never found, only two hands that they tested, then buried near the dam.

They say, who ever sleeps at the Hoover dam, the two missing hands will pull out the dead body, kill you... And the man will finally have a friend...



Yeah this ones shorter, your welcome.

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