Game: Falling

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This game is just an illusion that the body plays on you. It has nothing to do with spirits or evil. It is just something fun and weird to play when bored. It's also really easy, and can be done to anyone.


Step one: have two people. One laying down on the floor on their stomach, and the other sitting down next to them.

Step two: have the person sitting down pull the person laying downs hands, and suspend their upper body so that they are about a foot above the ground.

Note: Make sure the lower half of their body is still flat on the ground.

Step three: hold them there for about a minute, and have the person laying stare at a spot on the carpet with complete focus, and stay there.

Step four: after a minute, have the person suspending the laying person slowly lower their upper half.

Step five: the person laying should still have their focus on the carpet. As the other person is lowering them, it should feel like they are slowly sinking into the carpet . . .

Wow, I actually tried it.

It was kinda weird.

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