Chapter 11 Sister Wumian, seems to be very tired today

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"Why? are you still afraid that I will scheme against you? You are Qianyuan and I am Kunze. If you are afraid, it should be me who is afraid, right?" Li Yuyan said, what she said is half-truthfully, and she looked at Shang Wumian, her eyes were a bit teasing. All the Qianyuan in the village were eager to find a chance to talk to her but when it's Shang Wumian's turn, she didn't even want to visit more often, This made Li Yuyan somewhat suspicious. Could it be that her face didn't look good? Why can't she attract the other person?  

Shang Wumian felt it's inappropriate, so she refused to agree and tried to discuss it with her: "How about lunch?" Li Yuyan thought for a while but chose to give in: "Then I will add one more day." Shang Wumian agreed. After watching her leave, Li Yuyan is in a happy mood and even threw in a lot of rice when feeding the chickens. "Come on, come on, eat more rice and lay more eggs. If you don't lay eggs, I'll stew you and eat you~" In the simple chicken coop surrounded by a fence, the chickens who didn't know they were being "threatened" by their owner rushed to peck at each other, they catches rice and occasionally flutters out a few feathers, Scattered lightly on the ground.  

It's approaching noon, the sun is shining brightly but the falling temperature wasn't that severe. Shang Wumian took the borrowed money and did not rush home. Instead she found a place to sit in the shade next to an old tree. She's unfamiliar with the place since she came here, Except for Li Yuyan, whom she met unexpectedly and Qu San, who often came to help at home, there were no other familiar faces. Shang Wumian is stunned for a while, remembering the settings of Li Yuyan and Qu San in the original book.  Li Yuyan, putting aside the dispute between her and that scumbag "Shang Wumian" in the later period, in fact she is also a miserable person, Like Shang Wumian, she is not from this village.  

Li Yuyan's parents were greedy for money, They heard that Qianyuan from a wealthy family in Xihe Village, wanted to buy a wife, so they came up with the idea of ​​​​selling their Kunze daughter, who had just split up, They coaxed and tricked Li Yuyan into a sedan chair But on the way to see off her bride, Li Yuyan heard people outside talking about the fact that the person her parents wanted her to marry is actually an old man in his sixties. Of course she didn't want to, so during the quarrel, the evil matchmaker blocked her mouth with a cloth bag and tied her up But probably because the sky has eyes, Li Yuyan's so-called marriage partner passed away because he drank too much wine on the night of the wedding. Lord Qianyuan was mourned and his wife Kunze wasn't allowed to remarry within three years. Li Yuyan, who became a widow, not only had freedom but also inherited all the property he left behind, This can be considered a blessing in disguise.

Qu San, there are three brothers in the family, all of them are honest and kind, The parents of the three brothers died young. Before Qu Da came of age, they could only rely on the help of kind people in the village to live on each other. Later, when Qu Er and Qu San grew up, Qu Da's burden became lighter, and he could occasionally buy one or two books to read, Although they still live in poverty, the victory is that the brothers are united and the family is harmonious.

In the past, when she was reading, she could only get a glimpse of them but it wasn't as good as seeing flesh-and-blood people standing in front of her. It wasn't until she got to know them face to face that she realized that they were actually very good people. While Shang Wumian was distracted, a lively voice suddenly came from above her head. "Sister Wumian, what are you thinking about as you sit here~" Shang Wumian raised her head and saw Afu making a face at her, She couldn't help but laugh, stood up, and rubbed the little girl's head. Afu is used to it and didn't hide away. All she wanted to do is drag Shang Wumian back home for dinner: "It's time to go home for dinner! Let's see what delicious food Sister Qingwan has made."  

When she said this, she secretly glanced at Shang Wumian, Although the food cooked by sister Wumian is more delicious... but! She definitely prefers the food cooked by sister Qingwan! Lin Qingwan steamed some rice, and imitated how Shang Wumian had mixed shredded radish before, cutting the cucumber that Qu San had sent that night into shreds, and mixing it with salt. Cutting it into shreds and mixing it with salt was a method she had never tried before, The usual practice of villagers is to cut the vegetables into pieces and cook them or eat them raw, The same goes for last night's eggs, Most people place them in boiling water a few times, then dip them in some soy sauce before putting them in their mouths, Lin Qingwan had never seen Shang Wumian's method of frying it.

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