Chapter 52 Teacher Shang, can you do it?

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"When grilling burgers, the use of the spray gun is very important, You can judge the heat by observing the color changes of the ingredients." Shang Wumian put away the spray gun in her hand and said, "The grilling fire is too high, there will be a situation like the burger made by Miss Wei, where the bread will taste dry and the patty will be a little chewy." She went on to talk about several reasons for everyone's failure just now.  

There were two guests who, like Wei Yilai, had overturned the grilled burgers for the first time. After listening to this they nodded like chickens pecking at rice, exclaiming that they had learned, learned, learned! Seeing how professional Shang Wumian was, Master Guo couldn't help but be a little curious, so he went to the side and asked Zuo Zhi in a low voice, "This guest, has she... ever sold street burgers before?" Zuo Zhi heard this question, stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and answered him, "No, how could it be?"  

Master Guo looked at the burger prepared by Shang Wumian, feeling puzzled, "Then she... "Her technique is not amateurish at all. "Although she has never sold burgers, I don't know if you have heard of her name, Master Guo..." When Zuo Zhi spoke again, there's a hint of yearning in his tone unconsciously, "Gold medal chef, Shang Wumian. "  

The barrage passed by one by one:
  - Hahahaha, I laughed to death. Looking at Master Guo's expression, I could feel his shock through the screen [What, who is this.jpg]
  - I have eaten Master Guo's The cheese and beef burger, I have to say, there is really a lot of meat, it tastes delicious~
  - My family, who knows, I want to eat what Teacher Shang personally made, I want to eat it, I want to eat it so much [Slap and roll.jpg]
  - Show it all in my mouth, but it doesn't work. Teacher Shang also shows her gloves in my mouth, I can do it!!!  

Shang Wumian found a table knife and took it out while wearing a plastic gloves, The cheese and beef burger she just made was divided into four equal parts, and then put into boxes respectively. After doing this, she raised her eyes and looked at the guests who were watching around her, she took off her gloves and said, "I rarely eat burgers. Is there anyone who want to try?" What a joke, who wouldn't want to eat the burger grilled by Teacher Shang herself?" Wei Yilai thought, and raised her hand first, "I want it!"  

Even Li Qingfeng, who had just finished eating a burger, was ready to make a move and raised his hand, "I want to try it too! " Bai Yujing's eyebrows were slightly curved and her tone was gentle when she spoke, "Teacher Shang, can you give me a share?" Shang Wumian just raised her eyebrows slightly, made a gesture of invitation, and picked up the remaining small box of hamburgers.  

She glanced sideways, and her eyes moved to Lin Qing Wan asked softly, "Miss Lin, do you... want to try a portion?" Lin Qingwan smiled faintly, took the hamburger from Shang Wuxian's hand, and replied, "Thank you, Teacher Shang." Hearing this familiar title coming from the other party's mouth, Shang Wumian couldn't help but stroke her thumb out of habit to hide the subtle feeling in her heart at this time. It's strange, it's clear that those other people called her this way and she didn't think anything is But when she heard "Teacher Shang" from Qingwan, it felt as if a small electric current passed through her ears briefly and It became numb.  

So Shang Wumian quickly looked away and turned to look at other people, Little did she know that this move fell in Lin Qingwan's eyes but it seemed to cover up. Seeing this scene , 321 couldn't help but cross its legs and smacked its lips repeatedly, "Hey, yo, yo, yo, Mian, must you be shy~" Lin Qingwan's psychological receptivity is very strong, and she has adapted to 321 occasionally speaking out of the blue in the past few days. Among other things, this little anthropomorphic light called "the system" really talked a lot.  

She couldn't help but think, no wonder she and Afu had some time in the past, From time to time, they can notice that Wumian is distracted, probably because she was forced to listen to its thoughts However, what 321 just said made Lin Qingwan slightly interested, "You just said Wumian is shy? How can you, a system and not a human being, see these emotional changes?" 321 stopped shaking its feet for an instant and began to defend itself, "Hey, Qingwan, why do you still look down on Tong'er? I don't even need to look, I can detect other people's emotions, do you believe it? For example, the guy named Li Qingfeng, he has a very high excitement level now, the kind of expression that makes him happy when he eats something he likes And Bai Yujing, the little traffic flower standing next to him, her happiness level is rising now, it's..." 

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