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“I….I want him to start rubbing his mouth on the ground, till I’ll be satisfied” Jimin muttered.

Instantly, Jungmin faced Sonny who was still kneeling, and he held his breath.

“Get to work” he ordered, and his eyes widened.

“Mini boss, I’m…

“You might wanna get fired instead of that” Jungmin muttered coldly, and he quickly shook his head.

“No I’ll… I’ll do it” he said and bent over the floor. Immediately his lips touched it, he began scrubbing the floor with it, grunting in pains as he did.

Seokjin’s smile got wider, and his arms went folded on his chest.

“Scenes like this are more enjoyable with a bowl of fries” he said.

Jimin’s eyes weren’t even on Sonny who’s busy mopping the floor with his mouth. They’re on Jungmin, and he’s smiling as he stared at his boy.

He grew up so tall, too tall for a nine years old kid, and he crazily wondered what Jungkook has been feeding him. He grew up handsomely too and gawd, he loves him too much!

“Jungmin” he muttered before he could hold himself, but it was only Jin who heard.

“You said?” He faced him.

“Nothing” Jimin quickly replied, wiping the little tear that’s threatening to fall off his eyes.

Seokjin gave him a deep stare, and that was when Jungmin shifted his eyes from Sonny back to Jimin.

“Are you satisfied now?” He asked, checking the time on his wristwatch.

It has been five minutes already.

Jimin nodded, and he walked to Sonny who’s still mopping with his lips.

“Get up” he ordered.

He stood to stand in front of him with his face down and his lips swollen with several bruises. It’s bleeding too, and he has tears on his face already.

“You should know your place when you’re here. It’s my father’s company and you have no right to bully” he said calmly.

“I’m so sorry, mini boss” he quickly bowed three times consecutively, and Jungmin turned to start walking out of the hallway.

“See ya around!” Jin winked at Jimin before rushing after him.

Jimin faced Sonny who's still standing there with his lips that’s now bigger than his whole face.

“Not sorry” he said and walked away too, limping because of his sprained ankle.

Sonny practically ran out of the hallway and went straight to Mr.Jay’s office.

“What the hell! What happened to your lips! Did you walk into the house of bees or something?” He stood shockingly.

“It’s… It’s Jungmin” he cried.

“Jungmin? Wait… Mini boss is here? How come I didn’t hear the announcement?” His eyes widened.

“I didn’t hear it too, and he met me teaching that b**chy Jimin a lesson. He told him to chose my punishment and the slut told me to mop the ground with my lips!!!” He cried again.

“What! Jimin said that?” Mr. Jay gasped.

“Isn’t this enough evidence? Look at my lips!!! I’m in pains!!!” He yelled.

“I have to go meet him first, I can’t get fired” Mr. Jay said and rushed out of the office.

“Jay!!!” Sonny yelled, stumping his foot.

BE MY MAN(JIKOOK) (TAEJIN) MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now