Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Holding onto Sam's hand tightly, Knox tugged her along with him back into the exhibition room. As they walked in the room, everything was in chaos. People are trying to get out, using their cell phones for flashlights, working their way through the room and blinding each other with their lights. Knox tries to find the one person he's looking for: Samantha Midnight.

"Knox? What are we doing? Why are we going back in here?" Sam played dumb, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.

"I have to find someone," he harshly said to her as he tugged her again.

"Wait! I just need to..." Sam tried to warn him that her heel was stuck in her dress, but it was too late. By the time the words were out she was already tripping over her own feet and falling against him.

In her own defense she was being pulled along and she didn't mean to trip, Knox couldn't exactly blame her for his own actions. When she did fall into the display case, Sam grabbed onto the only thing she could to help cushion her fall, Knox.

As she landed hard on his chest, face to face with this beautiful man, who at the moment looked furious with her, Sam realized her mistake. She let down her guard and was enjoying herself and shouldn't have done that.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Sam tried to apologize for the fall but Knox wasn't listening.

"I don't have time for this," he growled, pushing her aside. He quickly got to his feet and looked around the room.

Quickly she got off the ground and got to her feet. Sam knew he was looking for Samantha Midnight and the Graft Diamond. She looked around herself and saw no sign of Alex or the stone's display.

"Where is she?" Knox grumbled as he walked over to his partner, who was standing alone now, missing his redhead beauty.

"I don't know. She was right here a minute ago and the lights went out and she was gone. Who's that?" Marcus asked, motioning toward Sam.

"Marcus Rhodes, this is Samina Atlas." Knox absently introduced them.

"Samantha Midnight?" He pointed at her, looking at Knox as if they had cracked the case.

"No, Samina. It's not her. She's here but..." Knox turns to Sam and takes a breath knowing he's made a big mistake. "I made a mistake and I owe you an apology and an explanation. I'll give you both but right now I have to do my job. Can you just stay put for now and I'll walk you home after I'm finished?"

Nodding her head, knowing that if she can just distract him for a few minutes more Alex can escape, he won't catch on. "Knox, I don't understand. Who is Samantha Midnight? What is this about?"

"Well well, look at this, I'm surprised to see you here, Knox? I thought you were on vacation?" Veronica Bell, the barracuda of an agent that Knox disliked with a passion stood in front of them.

"I am. I was on a date. Not that I need to explain myself to you," Knox growled as he took hold of Sam's hand and pulled her away from this newcomer.

"Really?" Veronica grinned at the news and stepped closer to Sam, "I'm Ronnie. I work with Knox, and you are?"

"None of your business. Go away Veronica, this is none of your business whatsoever." Knox made a clear point of moving Sam further away from Veronica.

Sam found it humorous considering they really didn't know each other. It was more than curious given that she is the reason that he is here and most likely the reason she is as well. Yet, he is making it clear that she is off limits to this agent. Curious...

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