Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

They got separated from each other. Sam in one police car, Knox in another. They were taken into separate interview rooms and left there. Probably to see if their stories matched. Probably to try and turn them on each other.

Sam knew Knox wouldn't turn on her but what was he going to tell them? They hadn't gotten a chance to talk about it. How was she to have her story straight if she didn't know what that was?

"Would you like some water or something to eat?" A man came in and offered her a bottle of water as he sat down across from Sam.

"No, thank you. When can I see my husband?" Sam asked, not sure what they know or what they plan on doing to her.

"Soon, if you cooperate with us. You were on Catalina island when the Graff was stolen recently," he stated, looking at the file in his hand.

"Yes. My family lives there. I was visiting them." She kept her answers truthful and short.

Confirming her answer, he nodded. "Your aunts, correct?"

"Yes," She replied slowly, worried that her aunts were no longer safe.

"And you left with Mr. McKenzie last night for the mainland. And you apparently were married as well. That's a lot in such a short time." He knew more than he was saying.

"We've known each other for years. It was time," Sam smiled, trying her best to remain calm.

"It didn't occur to you that by getting married he can no longer testify against you? That he has information about you, you as Samantha Midnight and your skill set, that would be of interest in this case?"

"My name is Samina Atlas McKenzie, not Samantha Midnight," she denied her alter ego. Sam twisted the ring on her finger as she nervously tried to avoid the questions. "I haven't done anything wrong, so no, it didn't occur to me. What exactly are you insinuating, Mr...?"

"Cohens. Unfortunately you have done some serious crimes, Ms. Midnight. And we have evidence of it." He set the file open on the table for her to see the photos and papers inside.

They do have evidence. More than she expected. Sam thought she had been so careful about not getting caught but they were just waiting for the right time to strike. There were pictures from every take, each time she stole a gem a photo had been taken of her.

Who took them? Where were they taken? She knew there weren't any cameras active in the buildings. How had they managed to tie her to every crime but yet they never came after her.

Did Knox know about this or was he in the dark about what Veronica was planning?

"Cohen! Get out here!" The deep male voice boomed from the hallway.

When Cohen opened the door, there was a new player in the mix. He looked familiar but Sam couldn't place him.

"Director Sterner, I didn't know you were..."

"Obviously! Get out here!" The director growled as Cohen closed the door between them.

Sam was left alone to wonder and worry and wait. There was nothing she could do but wait alone. They caught her, evidence and all. The only time that she could honestly say that she hadn't stolen a diamond, she got caught for it.

What was she supposed to do now?

"If you think you're going to get away with this, think again!" The woman walked in glaring at Sam with a vendetta in her eyes.

"I haven't done anything wrong!" Sam argued.

But she saw the look in Veronica's eyes that told her they weren't talking about the same thing. Veronica was talking about Knox not the Graff. She's not pursuing Sam because of the diamond, she wants revenge because she married Knox.

"You're still in love with him." It wasn't a question, Sam knew the answer already.

"He's my husband!"

"Ex!" Sam corrected Veronica. "Ex husband. And he doesn't love you."

Veronica narrowed her eyes, dangerously edging closer to Sam. "You don't know that!"

"I know he wouldn't have married me if he still loved you." That was something Sam was certain of. "I'm sorry, you're hurting. But you won't get him back, not like this."

"I will when you are finally out of our lives! You just need to disappear for good!" Veronica pulled out her gun and aimed it at Sam's chest.

"What the hell were you thinking marrying the woman you have been chasing for years now!" The director barged into the interrogation room, immediately asking the one question that has been nagging at him since he got the call tonight.

"She's innocent this time. I can prove it," Knox stood as his supervisor entered the room.

"Sit down," Sterner ordered, taking the seat across from Knox. "How do you know that?"

"She was my date that night. It was all an accident. I didn't know her family lived there. I went there for some R and R as ordered. I met her at her aunt's jewelry shop and got to talking to her. I didn't put it together right away. Not until Veronica came into the picture." And if he had even an idea of what she had planned, he never would have gone to the island.

"So you want me to believe that you just happened to run into the woman you have been obsessed with for years? Knox, what do you take me for? Come on, you knew Ronnie was gunning for her! Sam is what broke you two up." He had a point.

Knox growled under his breath and shifted in his seat. It pissed him off that the man was right, but still, Veronica had no right to come after Sam the way she did.

"This is personal! She should be removed from the case! Sam didn't steal the Graff! I can vouch for her. So can Marcus Rhodes." Knox tried again.

"You brought Rhodes in on this? Christ, Knox! Do you want to get fired?" The director raked his fingers through his hair furious with his agent.

"I don't want my wife to get sent to prison for something she didn't do! I'm not saying she is innocent of all crimes but she didn't commit this one! I won't testify against her!" Knox knew what he was saying. It was career suicide for him but it didn't matter. He wouldn't send Sam to prison, not now.

"You fell in love with your mark? Knox, you know what that means for your career?" The director was asking the same question Knox had asked himself several times before he decided that marrying Sam was the only option.

Knox had tried to find another way. He thought that if he could find someone else who could have stolen the diamonds, if he could have found the diamonds and returned them, maybe he could let her go free. Maybe he could keep his job and get the girl.

But that didn't happen.

Reaching into his pocket, Knox pulled out his badge and took a long look at it. He had worked so hard to get where he was. He sacrificed so much in his life to get to this point. Was he really about to throw it away for a woman?

"Think about it, Knox. Don't be stupid. You're one helluva agent. You don't want to do this," the director told him.

He wasn't wrong. "No, I don't. But I don't want to lose my wife either."

"What if there was another way?" The director said thinking about it as he stood up and paced around the small room. "What if we could use your wife to our advantage and not send her to prison but have her work for us?"

"You want Sam to switch sides?" Knox asked, slowly wondering why he hadn't thought of it. It was brilliant.

The thief who chased other thieves!

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