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It was supposed to be their honeymoon. He had made the reservations before the deal was set up. Had he known what the outcome would have been that night, he would have made sure they skipped the deal and left for their honeymoon immediately.

Marcus agreed to stay on the island with the aunts. He enjoyed the island life and it suited him as much as the cantina owner did. He found a woman who he enjoyed spending time with and he was learning the fine art of bartending.

He would keep all of those on the island Sam cared for safe. That's what mattered.

Knox stared into his coffee cup at the little outdoor cafe and felt his loss and loneliness. He missed her. If only he knew if she had made it out that night. If he just had an idea of what happened to her. Maybe then he could stop searching for her.

Until he had something, some evidence of her death or her escape, he would continue to search for her in every corner of the world. They had talked about Florence and Paris, Milan and Rome. She said how she wanted to see London with him and Ireland. He will go there as well.

He will go everywhere they talked about and more. Until he finds her, until Sam is back in his arms, he will search for her. "Wherever you are, I will find you," he muttered, rolling his wedding ring around his finger.

"For you, sir. With a note," the waiter brought over a glass of wine and a cheese plate with an envelope.

Nodding to the man, Knox opened the envelope. "I knew you would look here. As I know you will keep looking for me. I'm not far away but must keep my distance. Knox, you aren't safe here. I'll be where the sunset is brightest and the sky is filled with stars. You can find me there."

Feeling hope for the first time in weeks, Knox looked around the square. He wasn't safe there. She is following him. She knows he is being followed. He has lost his edge in his grief over losing her. Not anymore. He will be more careful especially knowing how close she is.

"The sunset is brightest and the sky is filled with stars..." he muttered thinking of the riddle she had left him to solve.

It could be any number of places. But before he can risk going there, he has to lose his tail. Knowing that is his first priority, Knox paid his bill and maintaining the lost soul attitude, he headed for the Trevi fountain.

Pulling a coin from his pocket, Knox held it tight in his hand for a moment as he made a wish. The same wish he has made since he arrived there. To be reunited with his wife. Opening his eyes he tossed the coin into the water and looked across the fountain to see the two FBI agents who are following him.

Now he can put faces to his tail. Knox thought as his face hardened with anger. Because of them he wasn't with Sam. Going back to his hotel, he walked quickly through the square, across the bridge and up the stairs to his room.

"You lied! You said we were safe and we aren't! Call off your dogs!" Knox ordered the director as he answered the call.

"I don't have any agents following you, Knox. I promise. They aren't mine. Where are you? Let me help you," his offer wasn't comforting. In fact, it only worried Knox more for Sam's safety.

"No. I can do this on my own. Just keep your team away from us. I'll bring him in when we get him. But don't put her in any more danger," Knox warned the director and disconnected the call. He was going to finish this finally.

Looking out the window he thought of the note again where the sunset is brightest and the stars fill the sky.

"Capri," he whispered, knowing exactly where she would be. "Midnight, at Capri. I'll be there, baby. Just gotta take care of this first."

Looking at his watch, he had four hours to finish this. Going down the backstairs he snuck out the kitchen door into the alleyway and hitched a ride in the back of a delivery truck away from the hotel. They would figure out he left soon enough but they wouldn't know where he went.

He rode for five miles out of the city and jumped out of the truck when the truck slowed for a turn. He headed into the trees and kept away from the road to stay out of sight as headed toward Capri. It was going to take longer than expected but he would get there. He wouldn't fail her.

A ride in a taxi and a change to a bus got him there just as the sun was setting. The water shimmered in the distance as he got off the bus and looked around the historic area. A place of romance and history, love and stories of strength and struggle.

Of course she would pick here to end this.

He didn't have to guess that she would have a place close to water. Sam loves the water and the beach. He walked along the cobblestone street and looked at the couple's holding hands, the friends sitting at the cafes. And knew this was her place.

He rounded a corner and almost ran over a small brunette who he hadn't noticed standing there. "I'm sorry, are you alright?"

"Yes. Thank you," her thick accent said native to the area, but something about her had Knox doing  a double take. "Sam?"

"Samina, actually. I'm sorry I don't know your name," she held out her hand but there was something teasing in her eyes.

"Knox, you look vaguely familiar. Perhaps I could buy you a drink?" He offered, keeping hold of her hand.

"Perhaps we should take a boat ride together. It's a lovely night and we could go somewhere... private." She suggested and motioned to the waiting water taxi.

"Sounds perfect." Knox agreed and helped her into the boat.

As they settled in their seats and pulled away from the dock, they drove off into the sunset. Sam handed him the diamond she had yet to sell. A quarter of a billion dollars in the palm of his hand. And they would have the life they dreamed of.

No one followed them. No one knew where they went but that was okay. They had plenty of money and the rest of their lives to travel and live. That's exactly what they did. A new identity in every port, but they stuck together.

One day Maisy got the mail and found a postcard from Ireland, the only thing it said on it was "Thinking of you!"

"Lottie! You'll never guess where they are now!" Maisy laughed as she took the postcard inside to share the news with her sister. As long as their girl was happy, it was all that mattered to them. And Knox certainly made her that.

Who'd have thought that one Midnight Flight would end up with a new life?

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