Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The nice thing about changing your looks is you can change everything about your appearance and personality at the same time. A wig, a little extra makeup and the right clothes it's like hiding in plain sight.

Sam tossed her now long blonde hair over her shoulder and took the opportunity to flirtatiously look over her shoulder. No one was following her although there were several men who had turned to take a second or third look at her. With a flirty smile at the meathead muscle man who was eyeing her up, Sam continued on.

When she walked into the upper class hotel, she didn't look like herself and as she has done with every change of appearance, she had a new personality to match. Putting her nose a little higher in the air she went to the front desk and hoped Knox didn't use his name for the reservation.

"May I help you?"

Giving the woman behind the desk a smile she greeted her and kept her fingers crossed he used the right identity. "Yes, my husband checked in my cousins this morning, I need to know what room they are in."

"I'm sorry we don't give out that information," the clerk replied, refusing her.

She wasn't sure if she felt better or worse about that.

"My name is Brenda Mace, could you just look up my name on your computer?" She tapped the top of the counter with a long red fingernail.

"There's no one by that name in our system. I'm sorry but I can't help you," she professionally dismissed Sam.

"I know they're here, I was just running late! I had to get my nails done and my hair! It's the first time I've seen them in years! You understand? I couldn't very well greet them looking the way I was," the Beverly Hills attitude wasn't cutting it. This lady was tough.

When Marcus walked into the lobby he almost didn't recognize Sam. It didn't look like her. She definitely didn't sound like her. But Marcus was learning this woman was an enigma. She changed her identity more often than some people changed their sheets.

Walking up behind the woman who was about to cause a scene at the front desk, he took hold of her arm. Sam turned her head, about to rip his head off from the look on her face, and suddenly she relaxed the moment she recognized him.

Holding his hand up to the clerk, Marcus tugged her away from the dramatic scene she was making. "There you are!" He greeted Sam then nodded to the clerk. "Thank you for your help. Honey, I was getting worried about you. Did you spend all your money at the spa today or did you go shopping too?"

Linking her arm around his, Marcus escorted her to the elevator. "Are you okay? Were you followed?"

Sam frowned at the questions, "No, I'm never followed. And I'm fine, thank you. My aunts?"

"Are safe upstairs with Knox. He took a bullet for you, by the way," Marcus told her with a bit more annoyance than she expected.

"What? Is he okay?" The fact that her face paled and her hand that was on his arm shook gave Marcus the assurance he needed that Sam was on their side.

"He's fine. Or will be. He's my best friend. I've known Knox a long time and I've never seen him go to bat for someone like he has for you. You better not let him down. He's a good guy," Marcus warned her, giving Sam's stomach a little jump.

"I know that. And I appreciate that you both are helping me. I know you don't have to. My aunts are innocent in all of this. They aren't involved in my business, I want it kept that way," Sam was very clear about where she stood. "Knox is the cop I would trust to help me."

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