Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Goodbye Eric

Cold concrete, wall covered moss, rusty bars, dark place.

A sob, sniffles, occasional whimper.

Footsteps coming closer,


And closer,

Before stopping.

"How are you, my dearest mother?"

The woman weakly raise her head from the cold ground to glare at the owner of the voice.

" could your own mother?" She spat out, words filled with unbridled hatred.

"Heh~~" The man voice filled with unconcealed mirth. The sound of lock then the door opening reach the woman's ears as she flinch when the man crouch in front of her.

"Did you even deserve that title hm?"

The woman gritted her teeth and shouted, "I GIVE BIRTH TO YOU!! I'M THE ONE WHO RAISE YOU!!"

The man paid no mind to her shouting, looking boredly around the prison.

"Stop screeching, how unsightly for a noblewoman" The man said before standing up and leaving the cell.

"End her, I'm bored already"

"Yes my lord" Multiple voice answered from the shadow.

"Oh and, do not show mercy"

Soon, the sound of screaming accompanied with sobbing can be heard in the underground prison.

"Good riddance" The man said nonchalantly as he entered his office and plopped down on his chair.

"Selena Quisenberry....a beautiful name unbefitting a woman like her" The man muttered under his breath.

Selena Quisenberry, wife of the duke of north, Hendrick Haldenberg. She was a beautiful and kind woman, always doing good deeds. Due to her kindness, she managed to charm the cold duke and become his wife, defeating every rival in love easily.

And that's how the story was supposed to end, a happy ending. The novel was written this way.

But just because the novel end, doesn't mean that the world also stop progressing. The world slowly come to life, progressing in a way no one could have predicted. The once happy couple ended up falling apart in just a few years.

And the cause was supposedly him, Eric Haldenberg, the son of the once perfect couple in the history.

Yeah, that's him, the one who just kill his own mother in the worst way possible.

Eric leaned his back on the chair, sighing in frustration.

Eric Haldenberg, no, Hase Hirokami was reincarnated as the son of Selena and Hendrick. Initially, he was pretty happy with his new circumstances because his parents was the protagonists of the novel he once read in his teenage years. Even if the novel already end, having such a wonderful parents won't be so bad.

But the parents that he remembered wasn't how the novel portrayed them to be.

His birth was the cause of everything.

Hendrick wasn't as cold as the novel portrayed him to be. He's much more kinder than the woman who was praise as a saintess for her kindness.

Selena Quisenberry was a two faced bitch. In the novel she was described as the most kind hearted person in the empire, but as soon the novel end, she shed her skin. She slowly showing her greediness. Initially, Hendrick thought nothing of it and continue to love her unconditionally but it all change when Eric was born and ruin the once perfect body of Selena.

She grew hysteric and vengeful, not even acknowledging Eric as her child and despise him. Hendrick realized it way too late and was bedridden from poisoning, courtesy of his wife's greediness. Eric was only six years old when his father was bedridden. The poison was slow and hard to be detect, and once they finally noticed it, it was already too late to cure.

Hendrick loved Eric. So he immediately wrote his will dedicating everything to his son. He cannot stop Selena as he was already too powerless to fight. Selena control the household affair from then on, but unable to make any heavy decision because she didn't have the house's seal. Hendrick has always been a cautious person so he immediately hidden his seal at the first sign of Selena's greediness.

Hendrick passed away a week after he was bedridden. Selena once again grew hysterical when she find out she didn't get anything from Hendrick. However, Eric was too young to manage the household so she ended up having the authority until Eric reach adulthood.

Eric knew where the seal was hidden. Because of this, Selena couldn't do anything to him until she got the seal.

Eric stood up, leaning his body on the wall as he look at the moon shining brightly on the outside of his window.

Hase Hirokami didn't have any attachment to his former world that's why he readily accepted the fact that he's been reincarnated pretty easily. Now that he finally reach adulthood, this entire estate became his as the heir of the former duke.

But somehow, after achieving his revenge,

He doesn't feel happy at all.

Suddenly, the window shattered. Eric immediately skipped back to avoid the glass when something suddenly draped on top of his head to cover sight. As he was trying to discard it, he felt a sudden pain in his stomach. His eyes slowly trailed down and peek through the gap of the cloth to look at his bleeding abdomen, with a long knife stuck on it.

"Don't blame me too much, little duke...I'm just doing my job" The assailant said with no hint of sympathy as he withdraw his knife from Eric's body.

Eric vomit blood, his eyes widen as he didn't expect such things to happen to him. His shaky hand move to cover his wound while the other was used to remove the cover on his head. As soon his eyes no longer obscure, he took a look at his assailant with blurry eyes before falling to the floor.

'Red...' Was his last thought before he close his eyes, forever.



♦another book with no promise of completion. Sorry but my idea is overflowing.

♦this story is special thought, because i can picture how i wish it to end.

♦also yes, it's a bl story. This is the third reminder. First on the title, then the description and now here.

♦Edited: Mc is called Hase, not Kawase. A mistake in my part. Already edit that.

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