Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Cain's type

It has been almost a week since Hase on the run, constantly changing his place to avoid detection. It was tiring but his will to survive manage to push him through it. He moved in the middle of the night and stay hidden when the morning came. It was a never ending struggle.

It was around the fifth night of his runaway that he found a small house on the outskirts, away from most civilizations. Of course he didn't rashly entered the house but instead spend a few minutes to inspect it, making sure there's no one inside.

'The furnitures looks well taken care but there's still some dust left....someone must be living here until recently....' Hase concluded.

He hoped that the owner won't mind him looking through their house for food. He's too hungry to ignore the possibility of finding food.

He entered the house while staying vigilant and immediately went to the kitchen part of the house. He search the pantry for anything edible, too hungry to care about taste at this point.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps can be heard in the house, making him freeze on his spot, eyes staring directly at the direction of the sound. As soon a silhouette appeared around the corner, Hase immediately flung a fork that he found on the counter toward the silhouette, shocking the silhouette to fall on the floor.

"What the--who the hell are you?!!!" The sound of man's panicked voice reach Hase's ears but he didn't let his guard down even for a second.

"Who are you?" Hase calmly asked, his posture remained on guard.

"No no no no, who ARE you??? This is my house!!!!" The man frantically answered, no longer sitting on the floor but instead stand as far away from Hase.

"Oh" Hase nonchalantly said, not exactly feeling guilty. "Sorry, i was hungry"

"The fuck?!! Then why attack me?!!"

Hase shrugged his shoulders, "it's a normal reaction, i was just being cautious"

"No clearly that was intended to kill me!!" The man shouted as he look at the fork next to him that was buried too deeply inside the wall.

"I mean, yeah i guess you'll die if you're not fast enough"

"Huh?!!" The man was too flabbergasted by the answer but in the end simply just let out a sigh before setting down his bag on the nearest chair, "you can't find much food in there. I went out to buy some food in the first place"

"Give me something edible then i will leave"

The man squinted his eyes as he look at Hase's appearance, eyes widening after a few second as he shakily point his finger toward Hase, "you're--you're that guy from the wanted poster, Trey!!"

Hase frown and look at the man coldly, slowly taking out his hidden knife, "are you going to turn me in?"

The man gulp as he saw the knife and frantically shook his head, "no no no no absolutely not!! I was just shocked"

Hase still didn't let his guard down but his frown no longer visible as he sat on the chair next to the counter. "Then, the food"

The man rummage through his bag, taking out several fruits and meats, enough to make Hase's stomach grumble.

"Give me that apple, all of them" Hase demand and the man depressingly hand over all of the apples he had.

Hase look at his expression and tossed one of the apple to the man. "I give you one"

'That was mine to begin with' the man thought to himself as he eat the apple while staring at Hase.

"What are you looking at?" Hase ask with snappish tone.

"I just thought that you're much more handsome in reality rather than the poster" The man lightly commented, his previous fear disappearing slowly.

"The artist is bad at drawing. They should have hired royal painter for that" Hase grumble, feeling dissatisfied with the fact that the poster couldn't capture his perfect appearance.

"Need more?" The man offered more fruits to Hase.

Hase shook his head and stood up, getting ready to leave but stop as if forgotten something.

"Right, what's your name?"

The man straightened his posture and grin widely,

"Cain, my name is Cain"

Hase look at Cain's expression oddly before sighing, "right...thanks for the fruits, goodbye" With that said, he exited the house and continue to live a life on the run.

", Hase Hirokami...I finally meet you" Cain muttered, smiling to himself as if thinking of something amusing.

"Totally my type, that guy"


♦Short chapter, sorry!!!

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