Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: When the plot change


Cain stood frozen on his doorway as he look at the familiar figure rummaging through his kitchen. It has been four days since their last encounter. No matter how many times this has happened in a month, Cain still couldn't get used to his sudden appearance.

"You're back" Hase said rather nonchalantly as he eat the banana that he found.

"Is it food again?" Cain said as he put down his bag on the chair.


Cain smile rather helplessly as he look at Hase's relaxed figure.

'Somehow, he's letting his guard down around me'

Ever since the first time they met, Hase has taken the initiative to come and rummage through Cain's kitchen once or twice a week. Of course it was awkward at first but now Cain only find himself enjoying Hase's company.

"That reminds me, why are you living so far away?" Hase asked

"Ah that" Cain ruffled his hair rather nervously, "i just like some peace and quite"

Hase frown, his eyes grow cold, "you're lying to me"

Cain's shoulders tensed up as he gulp down his saliva nervously, afraid to look straight into Hase's eyes.

"Well it doesn't matter. As long that you weren't doing anything suspicious, i don't care" Hase dismissed, "i hope your 'reasons' don't have anything to do with me" His voice grow cold as he said the last sentence.

Cain frantically shook his head in denial, his palms was sweaty, "of course not! Don't worry about that. I won't say anything about you to others."

Hase took a moment to scrutinize his expression before nodding in satisfaction, "that's good to hear"

Cain smile albeit a bit forced as he tried to change the subjects, "i bet those fruits won't make you full, I'll cook something for you instead."

Hearing that, Hase let go of his suspicion and nod readily, "I'd like that"

At this point, he's already sick with unpalatable food that he was forced to eat for survival. After all, he used to lived as a nobleman. The offer of a warm meal is too tempting to pass on. Even if Cain might put something in it, Hase doesn't care at all.

'Better die eating something good than dying in a ditch somewhere'


'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!' Hase anxiously thought as he ran as fast as he can to escape his pursuers.

'Why the 'shadow knight' here of all time?!!' He desperately jump from one roof to another all while constantly using his mana on his feet to help him go faster.

Shadow Knight, the royal family loyal dog. They worked in darkness and constantly did the dirty work for the royal family. He used to be one of them, when he was still 'Eric' so to say that he knew about their working pattern is as easy as breathing. But for some reason, they appear out of Hase's prediction and went toward Cain's house. Fortunately, Hase saw them before he reached Cain's house so he ended up running away.

But in the end, these dogs manage to find his location and thus lead to his situation right now.

"Fuck, did that bastard told them about me?!!" Hase curses, his eyes reflecting his hatred toward Cain as he continue his escape.

Out of nowhere, something sharp come toward him to which he barely able to avoid due to his already exhausted body.

'A needle, it's him' Hase furrowed his brows as he avoid another needle.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him to which he immediately turn around and avoid an incoming knife aimed toward him. He lock eyes with the masked man and froze, his body refusing to move.

"Fuc--" A knife struck to his heart, blood drip down his chin as he grit his teeth in pain, eyes blurry as he slowly losing his sight.


The masked man widened his eyes when he heard his name being said. But before he could do anything, Trey's body leaned back and fall on top of the roof, lifeless.


Cain anxiously paced around his living room, feeling nervous for some reason.

"He should be here by now..." Cain mutter under his breath as he constantly look outside of his home, waiting for a certain figure to appear.

'Those knights....they should be the 'shadow knight'.....they're definitely searching for Hase...but isn't it too early?' Cain stopped in his track as his eyes widened from realization.

"Has the plot....change?"

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