Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Real Beginning

23 hours

It took Hase 23 hours to regain his consciousness, one hour less than the last time.

He woke up yet again in a new but familiar body, Morris.

'am i cursed or something?' Hase thought to himself as he once again stood in front of the mirror while looking over his new body.

Morris, his last name was unknown. A fallen noble and working as a Shadow Knight. Eric and Morris could be called as brothers. Back when Hase was still known as Eric, he met Morris while sneaking out of his house in the middle of the night.

It wasn't the nicest memory, in fact Eric ended up heavily injured by Morris because that old man thought Eric was an assasin.

One thing lead to another, they got to know each other and Morris taught Eric how to fight. It was a nightmare but the end result was great.

Eric look up to Morris as an older brother and Morris reciprocate it and thought of him as his younger brother.

When Eric turned 15, he entered the Shadow Knight, thus he could say that he was familiar with all of their pattern.

Hase clenched his fist as he looked at the familiar face in the mirror, the face that he had taken on - his brother's.

"Morris..." He whispered that name, his voice trembling slightly as he knew he had stolen his brother's body. His heart ached as he realized what he had done.

'Why is this happening to me?' he thought. His emotions overwhelmed him. It was as if he had killed his own brother with his own hands.

Hase, ever since the first time he woke up in this world, barely even cry. The only vivid memory of him crying was when his father, Hendrick died. Ever since then, he had never shed tears.

Until this moment.

His feelings that was bottled up for so long, broke and stream down uncontrollably on his cheeks silently.

He's tired.

Dying hurts so bad, Hase hated pain.

And taking his brother's life hurts like no other.

Small sobs escaped his lips as the tears dripped down onto the floor, his body swaying unsteadily. He let himself fall to the floor and lay there with his arms across his eyes.

He didn't asked to be reincarnated. He didn't asked for a second chance.

He just wanted to be free.

When his mother killed him in his first life, he thought that he would finally be free. When he became Eric, he thought his life will finally become better.

But the cycle only continue and disappoint him.

Back when Trey killed him, somewhere deep down in his mind, he truly wish that he finally die.

Alas, fate play another cruel joke on him.

He became Trey, struggle and struggle to survive, then die uselessly.

And now, he's Morris. The second person he hold dear after Hendrick. It's like fate were mocking him, playing with him, draining him, killing him slowly. His mentality slowly chipping away, his desires to live basically none.

Hase wanted to die.

A mocking laughter escaped his lips, "I must have offended god to be punished like this."

But he's too afraid to die.


In a room filled with decorations,

The sound of swirling wine in the glass,

Cold laughter,

And a clicking of shoes on the floor.

"He revived again?"

Cold voice rang out, speaking to a being that remains unseen to others.

"Do not worry my child, we shall dispose of him again soon."

Soft and mesmerizing voice answered, flutter of feathers fell on the floor and vanish as if it never existed. Such delicate voice and beautiful being that others referred as 'goddess' look down fondly at the mortal under her care, to whom she called,

'The Child of Fate'

"A defect should never exist in the same world as you, my child. It will taint this world and threaten your position as the chosen one." Her soft, enchanting voice has a tinged of maliciousness as she said this.

"Hah!" A mocking scoff came from the man, "a defect like that could never threaten my position."

The goddess smile, indulgence and fondness clear in her eyes.

"You're right, my child. It was a mistake in my part. Such 'thing' will never able to do anything to you."


"We met again sir" Cain greeted the familiar face.

Hase stood in front of him with cold demeanor, eyes filled with a hint of murder as he gaze as the 'supposed' perpetrator that disclose his position before.

"Sir?" Cain called out again after a long silence as he smile wryly, "did you managed to track down the murderer of the duke?"

Hase frowned his eyes. At first he didn't want to believe that Cain betrayed him, but now his trust wavering slightly.

After not hearing any answer again, Cain cough rather awkwardly, "You left quite abruptly before i could say anything that time but with you being here again, I'm guessing you didn't catch the murderer?"

Hearing his words, Hase relaxed his tense shoulder and the pressure lessened. 'He didn't say anything to the shadow knight after all. It was all my misunderstanding'

Hase clear his head from useless thoughts and deepen his voice, just like how Morris used to do, "We managed to catch the murderer. Despite not being involved in the case, i extend my apology to you for taking your time and left abruptly in the middle of our conversation before. I thank you for your cooperation."

Cain expression falter slightly before once again answered with a polite tone, "it's not a problem at all. I'll be happy to help whenever i can."

After all the formalities done, Hase took his leave, his steps slightly lighter than before and his expression no longer as tense.

Cain look at the departing figure with a thoughtful look.

'The plot is progressing faster, i guess it's because of me', Cain entered his house and let out frustrated sigh, 'looks like i will have to get involved after all'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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