Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Trey the dumb dumb

Frowning, he pinch his chin as he look at the mirror with bewildered expression.

'Now....who the heck is this?' Eric thought as he look at his reflection.

Bright flaming red hair paired with green eyes, chapped lips, and a sharp jawline, that's how Eric describes his new appearance.

"Am i dreaming?" Eric muttered to himself and placed his hands on his waist as he stood half naked in front of the mirror.

He could have sworn that he never had these appearance before. Eric Haldenberg had black hair as dark as the night with bright ocean blue eyes. That's the appearance he had lived with for 18 years of his life.

And his appearance suddenly changed overnight.

"Wait....i remember this hair's the same hair color as the guy who stabbed me last night..." Realization dawned to to him as his face paled.

'Did i somehow....entered this guy's body?'

Eric sighed as he slicked his hair back, admiring his new look.

"This guy's body doesn't look half bad. The muscle is well developed, and he looks good too....i guess this is acceptable" Eric praised his new body, already accepting the fact that he possessed another body.

'Then i guess, Eric Haldenberg is no more' despite knowing that he's already dead, he didn't feel anything about it anymore. After all, dying once already dulled his shock.

Hase sighed again before entering his humble looking bathroom, a big contrast to his extravagant one as Eric.


Hase leaned his back on the headboard of his bed as he crossed his leg, flicking through an old diary he came across after rummaging through his new room.

"Trey, no last name. Definitely not a nobleman. Born three years before Eric which means he's currently 21. Had a little sister that died two years ago. A mercenary. Desperate for money, i mean who wouldn't?" Hase summed up everything after reading Trey's diary.

"So now I'm that Trey then?" Eric muttered, "i just murdered my old body, does that mean i will need to go into hiding? Before that, i need to claim the money for completing the mission....wait" Eric desperately flipped through the contents of the diary once again before slumping in defeat.

"This Trey guy was a stupid guy. He blindly believe that he will gain a lot of money after killing Eric after just hearing it in the passing while he was in the Guild Hall? He doesn't even know who commissioned it in the first place!!" Hase gripped the book in frustration. "Does that mean i died for nothing? Me? A damn duke?!!"

He place his hand on his nape as he tilted his head upward, "ah my blood pressure" Of course, it's just for the dramatic effect. Do not take it to heart.

Hase bit his lips as he dread his problematic future.

"For now, let's just run away"


Hase leave his new house around two in the morning, with a backpack filled with basic essential. As soon he exited the window of his bedroom, the sound of blast can be heard from behind him, followed by shouting.

"He's trying to run away!! Catch him" The voice shout out.

Hase hastened his pace as jump from one roof to another, his pursuers hot on his tail.

'Damn it damn it damn it, Trey you fucking idiot!' Hase cursed in his head as he continued to run. Thanks to Trey's good build and Hase experience as Eric, he's quite adept in controlling his body and able to run for long time but that doesn't mean Hase was grateful with such advantages. In fact, it the least Trey could give him after deciding to fuck his life by killing his old body and stupidly leaving behind evidence.

'They're getting closer! Damn it. Trey you motherfucker!! You better hope that i could still use my magic!!' Hase desperately force his innate mana to open up the passage in Trey's body so that his mana can circulate and let his body to blend into the darkness and disappear.

"We lost him!!"

"Find him! Don't let him escape"

As his pursuers disperse, Hase finally had a chance to breathe and sat on the floor while leaning his body on the wall. Sweats covered his body as he gritted his teeth to held in a groan of pain. Forcefully opening a passage was risky, if he's not lucky, i would die on the spot.

He hid in the dark alley, controlling his laboured breathing. His whole body feels like burning. He tried his best to circulate the mana to every corner of his body to lessen the pain. After an hour of excruciating pain, he finally let out a breath of relief.

'You better hope i never meet you in hell, Trey'

His blurry eyes proven to be quite difficult to stay open and soon he lost consciousness.

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