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(this chapter will be of Itsuomi's p.o.v)


I called Y/n but she didn't listen and ran away. What's happening? I know that she feels lonely because I'm not around her that much like I used to.

I dialed her number in my phone and called her several times but she didn't picked up.

Is everything alright? Is she okay?
I thought.

I was busy with my thoughts, when suddenly I saw Yuki waving her hands at me. She signed with her fingers, "what happened?"

I answered, "it's nothing, don't worry!" also using signs with my fingers.

We walked together hand-in-hand, as I promised Yuki that I'll walk her home. After some time, we reached her house and she bid bye to me, I did the same as I smiled lightly.

I messaged y/n to know if she has reached home or not.

Hey, did you reached home already? I called you but you didn't pick up. Is everything okay?
Sent ✓

I waited for some time for her reply but she didn't. Whenever I messaged or call her she answers quickly but today has been strange.


I didn't waste anytime, and went to her house which was a little far from Yuki's. I knocked the door and her mom opened it.

"Hello, Mrs. l/n, is Y/n at home?" I asked her mother, she smiled before nodding and answering, "yes, she came home early today."

I released a huge sigh of relief, as her mother welcomed me to her house. I entered, and she told me to go to her room.

I saw her door slightly opened, but still I knocked before entering.

"Mom, I'm busy with my assignments.." she said.

I chuckled softly, she really thought I'm her mother. Silly girl!

"Y/n, it's me" I said as I saw her straightened her position in the study table. She got up from her chair and told me to enter as I did.

She gave me a zabuton cushion to sit onto. I looked at her as she bought me some cookies to eat.

"What do you need, Itsuomi-san?" She asked, without looking at me.

I cleared my throat and began to speak, "I called by your name when I saw you ran away from the university, then I called you on your phone several times, and even messaged you, but you didn't replied to any of those... what..happened? You know..you can tell me..."

She still looked away avoiding my gaze. Before releasing a sigh, she said, "I'm sorry. I just... didn't feel good. And...you shouldn't care about me that much, I'm not important anyways"

Her words made me shocked, my eyes widened.

Why is she saying all those things?

I tried to reassure her, "what do you mean by that y/n? Who said you aren't...important? You're my...friend, a very good friend, why are you saying tha—"

I was cut off by her saying, "I said, and I know. Itsuomi-san, you should go now, I want to be alone please, I'm not in a good mood so please.."

She joined her hands together, and told me to leave. She's unusually strange today. If this is all because of me, I have to do something.

"I'm sorry, y/n. Take a rest" I mumbled loud enough to let her hear as I got up and went outside of her room. Her mother asked me to stay for the dinner but I shrugged it off and said next time.


I went straight towards Kyouya's apartment. I decided to stay the night there.

He opened the door and I walked inside.

"Hey, is everything alright? You don't look so good..." He asked to me, laying beside the table.

"It's y/n, she- something's wrong with her... she's never like that.." I told him, I saw him open his mouth slightly to say something maybe, but he didn't.

After some time, he said, "Try to find it, she's your friend. She cares so much, but looks like you totally forgot about her. Well I'm not saying anything about you being in a relationship but try to keep in mind that y/n is a true friend of yours. She doesn't have any other friends so...talk to her about it"

I nodded at his words.

He's right, I need to find out about it. I don't want to lose my true friend.

Hey lovelies ♡ please vote if you like it. Until then, take care! See ya' <3

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