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"I...don't..know, Itsuomi-san..." I said to him. It was really too much for me. As many times I think he genuinely likes me, my brain says that he just wants to make Yuki jealous.

But he isn't like that.

I heard him sighing heavily, as he let go of my hands and his eyes are looking straight towards the road. I looked down immediately regretting my answer.

He deserves a chance I guess.

As I opened my mouth to say something, he said something and cut me off, "Thanks for your time, Y/n. I won't bother you anymore. Good night"

I was hurt, and he got hurt too when I answered. Tears started to form in my eyes, as I finally speak up and didn't care if anyone heard us, "I-I want you to like...me. It's just...I'm..thinking about...that..you're doing this because you..want to get Yuki..back, you never really liked me...and you also that you can't fall in love with a girl like..me... then why are you trying so hard? Why now?" His eyes widened, at my sudden outburst. I didn't even realised that I was crying, when he suddenly hugged me tightly.

I was frozen at his touch, he never hugged me, just patted my head but now it's different.

I cried like a fool on his shoulder, wetting his shirt with my tears. "Stop crying please" he whispered into my ear.

He continued to say, still hugging me, "you want to know why? Because...you were always there for me, when I didn't even cared for you. You kept your feelings inside when me and Yuki got together....if there's another girl instead of you, she should have tried to break my relationship with Yuki, but you never did something like that you tried to talk to Yuki too, but she didn't and you're really selfless. When I felt that loneliness whenever you're not with me...I realised you're the one for me. Yuki cared about only her happiness, but you made sure that I'll be happy too. Home is where the heart is, and now...you have my..heart so, you're home.."

He buried his head on my neck, and on the other hand, I was shocked to hear that from him.

Did he really noticed that much?

I let go of him, slightly pushing him from me as I wiped my tears. I sighed before answering, "let's...try then" I managed to smile a bit, and he looked at me, smiling widely.


I got down from the car, and suddenly he stopped me, "y/n- wait!" His voice made me turn around and see him through the window.

He continued, "I'll make sure...to make you happy! Bye, good night, see you tomorrow!" He smiled again, which made my heart race.

I just want to make sure he likes me truly. Today was a great day!

Hey lovelies ♡ I hope you all are fine. If you like this chapter please vote, and comment. More fun chapters coming soon. Take care, bye <3

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