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Sorry everyone, I don't know what happened, but I couldn't update this chapter yesterday as I had some problems with my phone)
(this chapter will be of Itsuomi's p.o.v)


When I reached Thailand, I felt really good. But some part of me seemed lonely. Then I remembered Kyouya's words.

"She looks at you the way, you look at Yuki"

Y/n pretends that she didn't care, but deep down she does. Just for me, she had to keep her feelings to herself.

I still hope that Yuki and I will be together again, but there's another thought that everything will not be the same.

If Yuki doesn't want, then I'll too stop trying.

My mind diverted to y/n, I wonder what she's doing now. So, I messaged her,

I arrived in Thailand just now.
What are you doing?
Seen ✓

I hit the sent button and she saw it immediately. I smiled to myself.

Her reply came just some seconds later, it read

I'm completing my assignments. Have a safe trip, Itsuomi-san!
Seen ✓

Her reply made my heart warm, she's a hardworking girl. I still try to understand my "new" feelings, and for some reason, I don't know why, my heart starts to beat rapidly when I think or talk to y/n.

Is it...love..? No, it can't be. I still have feelings for Yuki. But, then there's y/n..ugh!!! This is so confusing!!!!


I'm now unpacking my luggage, in my hotel room, and I'm pretty much exhausted. I jumped into the bed and layed down, my eyes slowly closed off as I doze away.

The next day, I woke up early, and looked down from the balcony. The streets are pretty much crowded here, I sighed myself and went towards my bed and sat on the edge of it.

Should I call y/n? I thought.

I was about to call her, when a notification popped on the screen. I clicked it and saw an insta post from...Oushi.

I checked it immediately,


oii_shii_oo our first date <3
5k likes 100 comments

mia_kk so cute!
h.aa_yato congrats bro! You two suit each other.

I can't see any of those again. How could Yuki do this to me?!

I closed my eyes, and suddenly tears started to fall from my eyes.

I threw my phone on the middle of the bed, and cried silently.

I lost all my hopes.

Hey lovelies ♡ how are you all? Sorry for making Yuki like that 😭 please don't hate me. Byee everyone, take care <3

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