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My mother has a stable job in a big company, and she's happy. I'm not working part times anymore and now we live in a decent big house, which she bought from her own money. I'm so happy for my mom.

I'm now packing my bag as I'm going to Germany. It's my first time, travelling alone to another country. But I can do this.

And I'm slowly recovering from my feelings. Me and Itsuomi-san still don't talk to each other, sometimes I went to Kyouya-san's bar and every time I try to initiate a small conversation with him he doesn't say anything.

The most unusual thing is that him and Yuki aren't much around each other. I know Yuki's busy with her exams but she always makes time when it comes to Itsuomi-san.

I wish everything's alright.


I finally reached to Germany, and it's really a beautiful country.

Everything is so fascinating here, the picturesque buildings, and the skyscrapers are really so eye-catching.

I remembered Itsuomi-san lived here with his family. He's so lucky!

I was strolling down the crowded streets when a man approached me, he was asking something maybe? But I don't know how to speak German so I bowed and apologized. It was embarrassing, I wanted to help but I couldn't.

Then I feel someone lightly bumped into my shoulder. I turned my head sideways, and saw Itsuomi-san?!

What is he doing here?

He talked to the man in front of us, and after sometime he bid us bye and went away.

I thanked him, and quickly went at the opposite direction but he gripped my wrists and I stopped.

"Did you come...alone..or-" he asked me but I cut him off, and answered, "ofcourse, I came alone, who else will accompany me?"

He frowned at my answer, it was a straight forward statement which I made but if he doesn't want to talk, I don't too.

"You should...come with me, to my house. My family's there too. You'll have difficulties finding a hotel here" he said in his usual cold voice.

I sighed, and turned down his offer, "I'm sorry but I'll find a hotel, don't worry. You should go"

I started to walk around, when I turn around I saw him looking at my direction.

Next thing, I saw he's walking just behind me. Wow...

I decided to strike up a conversation again, "um...isn't Yuki with...you..?"

He sighed before answering, "she's busy these days."

Ohh, she's busy but I doubt it.

Hi again lovelies ♡ please vote if you like it <3 see you again soon <3

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