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Chapter 381 Lu Ning, are you marketing yourself?

  Lin Li said with some anger.

  Why do you always speculate on a girl with so much malice? !

  But at the same time, Lin Ci also realized another thing. Shen Yunci might have given it to her because he knew the value of the bracelet.

  She had previously thought that Shen Yunci didn't know, and wanted to test it out before finding an excuse to return it. This bracelet would probably allow the Lu family to change their lifestyle.

  But if Shen Yunci knew... wouldn't that prove that the Lu family was not in such embarrassment that it was as debt-ridden as rumored.

  Otherwise, why give the bracelet to her instead of selling it to make her life better?

  Moreover, Ning Ning's down jacket only cost six figures... Lu Ning had never worn clothes of this price when she was at the Lu family. There was no reason for her to wear such expensive clothes for the Lu family who, in her understanding, were in financial distress.

  Moreover, she didn't bring anything with her when she came out of Lu's house. Shen Yunci and Lu Zhi could only have bought these clothes for her. She definitely didn't know the price.

  Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a noisy sound coming from somewhere.

  "Who are those people?"

  "Why are there so many people?"

  "What are they doing?"

  "Xiao Ci, look if that is Sister Ning?"

  Someone named Lin Ci followed them. Lie down at the window and watch.

  Not just the people in their class, almost everyone in the teaching building was lying on the window looking towards the school gate.

  The direction to the school gate was crowded with people, and the school entrance was completely surrounded by people.

  Lin Ci couldn't see clearly, so he took out his phone and used the camera to zoom in and out. Lu Ning was clearly in the middle of the crowd.

  Being surrounded, there was a slight hint of impatience on his face.

  Lin Ci immediately put down his phone and ran out of the classroom.


  Lu Ning slept late the day before and his mind was a little confused. When he got up, he went directly to school without thinking about anything.

  After arriving, I encountered such a scene.   

  Reporters with long guns and short guns immediately surrounded him.

  "Is this Miss Lu?"

  "Are you Lu Ning?"

  "Ms. Lu Ning, can you answer a few questions for us?"

  "Ms. Lu, do you think there is anything different about your sudden popularity on the Internet?"

  " Miss Lu, does this sudden popularity bother you?"

  "Ms. Lu, do you have any thoughts about entering the entertainment industry?"

  "Lu Ning, are you marketing yourself? Are you graduating? Are you going to develop into the entertainment industry in the future?"


  An overwhelming number of questions came in front of the crowd. Lu Ning did not panic and stood calmly on the spot. He did not speak or answer the questions, but there was a slight discomfort on his face. Resistant.

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