meet again

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"Taylor, wake up!" Tree said, shaking the blonde.

Taylor scanned the room while sitting up in confusion, she wasn't in her normal room. She looked around at the pianos, soundboards, guitars, bottles of water, and the scattered cups of coffee.

"Why am I alone in the studio?" Taylor asked herself, getting up.

"You texted me at two in the morning telling me that you have a great idea and you were going to the studio! It's almost one in the afternoon now!" Tree scolds.

"Right, and after an hour, I still couldn't find the right tunes I liked for the background music. I talked to so many people, I've been trying for weeks. I just don't like how any of the background sounds right now!" Taylor exclaimed.

"If you forgot, your parents flew in today, and you have a lunch reservation at two, so you need to go get ready!" Tree reminds her.

"Fuck, you're right," Taylor said, running out the room, followed by Tree.

As Taylor drove back to her house to get ready for lunch, she called Jack Antonoff to tell him about yesterday. She came up with a couple tunes she liked but she couldn't fit them to accompany the lyrics the way she liked.

"I got in contact with someone and please don't kill me, but I gave her the tunes we've been working on and she made a really good tune which I think you'll like," Jack said.

"You gave some random person the tunes we've been working on!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Listen to it before you get mad. I just sent it to you," Jack adds.

"I'll listen to it later and call you back, I'm going out for lunch," Taylor said.

"Don't kill me, again, but you know how we booked studio time tonight? Well I kind of invited her to tag along," Jack says.

"Jack! Why would you do that!" Taylor exclaimed, parking the car.

"Taylor, trust me, please."

"I can't deal with this right now, Jack," Taylor groaned and cut the call.

Taylor rolled her eyes and stormed inside, he was crazy for giving her song ideas to a random person who is probably gonna steal it or leak it. Taylor decided to kick the person out of the studio and then have a long talk with Jack.

Drew sat in her room, petting the white fluffy cat on her lap while trying to pry off the small gray one from her foot. Her and Jack Antonoff met on Instagram and they had been sharing ideas they had for a couple months. 

Jack had sent her a couple of guitar solos and chord progressions and she quickly combined them together and sent it to him. He told her he'd be in the studio today and she could meet him there and they could work on ideas with a singer who's also coming.

At about four pm, Drew slipped on her hoodie before grabbing her phone and heading out. The studio was thirty minutes away and Jack told her to be there by four thirty. She walked into the studio and knocked on room 13, the one with Jack.

"Come in!" Jack said.

Drew opened the door and took a seat on the couch, Jack took off the headphones and greeted her. They both sat down and Drew could hear a female voice as she looked around in confusion.

"Taylor's just working on singing the background vocals for a song, she'll join us soon," Jack clarified.

Before she could respond, a tall blonde came out of the recording booth... "Drew?"

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