the only one

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Drew knocked on the door, holding the huge box in her hands, rocking back and forth. For the past week, Drew had finally convinced Andrea to let Taylor get a cat and she finally caved in. Just as she was about to knock again, Andrea opened the door, looking relieved.

"You came," Andrea said, more like a question.

"Of course I did, sorry I'm late, I hope there's pizza left for me," Drew said, walking into the house.

Drew looked around the living room to see decorations with snacks on the table which was left untouched. The cake was smashed onto the ground and half of the "Happy Birthday" banner was ripped up. Andrea gave Drew a small, sad smile as Drew realized what had happened.

"Where is she?"

"She's in her room, she wants to be alone," Andrea said, sadly.

Drew put the box down and went upstairs, slowly knocking on Taylor's door. She could hear light sobs and guitar strums through the door. Taylor didn't respond so Drew knocked again, a little louder. She heard shuffling behind the door and when it opened, Taylor stood in front of her, wiping the tears away from her cheeks.

"You came," Taylor said, looking at her feet.

"I have something that will cheer you up," she said.

Taylor sighed and sat back down on her bed, playing the small keyboard on her bed. Drew went back downstairs, picking up the small kitty from the box before looking at Andrea. After the woman gave her a nod, Drew took the small animal and stood by Taylor's door. The small white-furred animal wiggled out of her hands before crawling to the bed. She was so tiny, she wasn't able to jump on by herself, Drew laughed which caused Taylor to look at her.

"Look at her," Drew said, pointing at the floor.

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows before leaning and peering down, her eyes widening in surprise. She picked up the small creature, who immediately purrs and cuddles into her arm. Taylor petted the animal as she fell asleep curled up on the blonde's lap.

"She wouldn't stop scratching me and now she's sleeping on you, how is this fair?" Drew groans, sitting next to Taylor.

"What's her name?" Taylor asked.

"That's up to you to choose,"

"Meredith, Meredith Grey!"

"Of course it is," Drew said, playfully ruling her eyes.

Andrea walked into the door with two cupcakes in her hand, one with a candle, and a lighter in her hand. The whole family came in and they all sang happy birthday to her. Noticing that Drew and Taylor wanted some alone time, they left soon after, letting the two girls converse in private.

"Ow, fuck!" Drew screamed, as the cat bit her.

Taylor pet the top of the kitten's head who retreated back and curled back up into Taylor. Taylor giggled as she saw Drew giving the small Meredith the middle finger, who leaps onto Drew and puts her face into the frosting of Drew's cupcake.

"Taylor, I'm going to kill Meredith!" Drew exclaimed, putting the cupcake on the desk.

"Drew, thank you for coming," Taylor whispered, as they both stared into each other's eyes.

Drew stuttered as she could barely speak, her cheeks turning dark red as her face started to heat up. Her eyes moved down to Taylor's lip and they both stayed completely still. Suddenly, Taylor grabbed the girl's face, pulling it close to hers. Drew panicked as she felt Taylor's lips on her, but she kissed back, calming down after finding the rhythm of the kiss.

Taylor pulled away, leaning her head against Drew's while catching her breath. None of the spoke as they both just laid next to each other, just as Drew was about to speak, warm liquid trickled down her chest. She looked down in confusion to see Meredith on her chest, her butt facing Drew.

"I am actually going to kill this cat!" Drew said, groaning.

Not even trying to hold back her laughter, Taylor helped her get her shirt off while chuckling at the girl. Her eyes traveled down the brunette's body observing her toned abs and how her chest rose and fell with each breath the girl took.

"Tay, you're staring,"

"Shut up."

Time Skip

Everyday after school Drew would head over to Swift's house, helping Taylor write songs and even get them published. Drew had helped Taylor publish her first album which would be on the radio the very next day.

Fifteen minutes before Taylor's song would come on, Drew sat in her car, impatiently waiting. After a couple minutes, she heard her lover's voice on the radio, singing the familiar song. Drew's face turned red as she thought about Taylor, a small smile creeping onto her face.

The weekend had soon passed by and Taylor had gained popularity really quickly, she now had more than 100 thousand monthly listeners and she would hear people talk about her all the time. After not seeing Taylor at school she walked over to the familiar house, knocking on the door. An elderly woman came out and Drew looked at her with confusion.

"Is Andrea here?"

"The old house owner?"

"What do you mean?"

"They moved two days ago,"

"Do you know where?"

"No, I'm sorry,"

Drew sadly went back to her house, leaving Taylor over fifty texts within the span of two minutes. She waited for a response for a couple hours, this was unlike Taylor, she would respond within five minutes. Days went by and Taylor never texted and she wasn't at school either, all Drew had left were pictures and videos. After months of being let down and losing hope, Drew finally gave up and believed that Taylor had gotten too famous for her.

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