school crushes

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Taylor held her brown paper lunch bag close to her chest as she walked down the hallway. After years, she finally convinced her parents to move to Nashville so she could pursue singing, but that also meant a new school. Her mom dropped her off around noon which was right before lunch at her new school. Looking at the map she was given in the office a couple minutes ago, Taylor tried to navigate her way to the cafeteria. She slightly fastened her pace as she heard footsteps behind her getting closer and closer.

"Hey, you!"

Taylor turned around and looked down to see a short brunette in front of her with one hand on her hip and the other in her pocket. Behind her were five other girls and they all stared at her, standing in the same position as their friend.

"I'm Madison, this is our hallway during lunch, everyone knows that," the girl sasses.

"Oh I'm sorry," Taylor apologizes, turning around to walk back.

"You can stay," another girl said.

She was a couple inches shorter than Taylor and her gaze intimidated Taylor. She could see Madison roll her eyes but she didn't say anything. They walked around the hallway and talked about gossip as Taylor trudged behind them. Taylor could feel them staring at her as she looked down at her feet.

"Drew, baby," one of the girls exclaimed, running to a tall brunette who just walked down the hallway.

Taylor looked up to see a girl at least four inches taller than her and she was walking over to the girl who screamed her name. Drew pulled the girl into her and kissed her before walking to all of the other girls.

"Lily told this new girl here that she could stay," Madison said, pointing at Taylor.

"I guess we have enough space," Drew said.

"For what?" Taylor asked, confused.

"Unlike you, we get good food from Chick-Fil-A on Fridays and not sandwiches that mommy made," Madison said in a tone that made Taylor wanna disappear.

"Maddy, be nice. You can eat your lunch, which I'm sure is great, or you can get something there. It's all up to you," Drew explains.

"I'll eat my lunch, I don't have any money," Taylor replies.

"It's on me, I always pay for the food," Drew says.

"You're gonna pay for her," the girl in her arms whined.

"Yes, Savannah, I pay for everyone," Drew said, slightly annoyed.

"But she's new," Savannah said, putting an accent on the word 'new'.

"Savannah, I said leave it!" Drew growled in a tone that made Taylor's knees weak.

"Whatever," the girl replied, rolling her eyes.

The car ride was awkward as Taylor was left to the side like an unwanted cardigan. Knowing that she was the reason for the awkward tension, Taylor opted to stay in the car and eat her lunch. No one tried to convince her otherwise and they all went inside as Taylor sat in a stranger's car eating her lunch. Taylor sat quietly, taking small bites out of her sandwich, listening to the girls talk.

Taylor felt this weird sensation as she saw Drew's hands under Savannah's shirt, she almost felt as if that should be her. Shaking the feeling away, Taylor rested her head against the window.

"Hey, blondie," she felt someone shaking her.

Taylor opened her eyes to see Drew shaking her. Taylor looked around in confusion as it was just her and Drew in the car.

"You fell asleep," Drew explained.

Taylor apologized as her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Before Taylor could get out of the car, Drew stopped her again.

"Your hair is a mess," Drew said.

Before Taylor could fix her hair, she felt Drew's hands in her hair. Drew combed her fingers through Taylor's hair and pulled back any stray pieces. Taylor closed her eyes as she felt Drew's fingertips moving against her scalp.

"Thank you," Taylor mumbled as they both walked back into the building.

After school, Taylor searched for her mom's car which was luckily parked in the same spot as when she was dropped off. Taylor put her backpack in the back seat before sitting in the passenger seat next to her mother.

"How was school, honey? Did you make any friends?" Andrea asked her daughter.

"It was fine," Taylor sighed, resting her head on the window.

"What about we go get some Starbucks?" Andrea asked, noticing her daughter's mood.

"Yes please!" Taylor said with a smile.

"To Starbucks it is!" Andrea said, matching Taylor's newfound excitement.

As they both walked into the shop, Taylor spotted the familiar faces, it was Madison, Drew, and Savannah. Her heart dropped when she saw them.

"Mom, can we go, I don't want anything," Taylor asked, riding her mom back.

"Taylor, is everything okay?" her mother asks.

Before she could get a response, Drew had already walked up to them and waved at Taylor.

"Who is this?" Andrea asked her daughter.

"I met her at school. Drew this is my mom, mom this is Drew," Taylor said, unenthusiastically.

"It's she your friend?" Andrea asked.

"Kind of,"

Taylor stared at Drew and after Savannah called out for Drew many times, Drew said bye to Taylor and Andrea before walking back to the table she was previously at. Andrea followed behind her daughter who was already walking back to the car. She was really worried that Taylor wouldn't make friends, Taylor never had many friends even in Pennsylvania and she really hoped Drew would befriend her.

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