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"Drew?" Taylor asked, in surprise.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Jack asked, confused.

"I actually need to go, Jack, I forgot that I had something," Drew said, reaching for the door.

"What do you have to do?" he asks.

"I, uh, I have to, uh," Drew stutters, looking down at her feet.

"Take a seat next to Taylor, I'm gonna go find the new file we're working on," Jack ordered.

Drew slowly shuffled to the brown, leather couch, sitting awkwardly a couple of feet away from the familiar singer. Drew noticed how her curls were gone and were now replaced by straight hair with messy bangs. She noticed how Taylor still plays with her rings when she's nervous and how her dressing style had completely changed. She dragged her eyes off of Taylor, who was looking at her feet, and onto her phone, pretending to be busy to avoid the awkward situation.

"Found it!" Jack announced, after a couple minutes.

"Jack, I'm not sure this is a good idea," Taylor whispered, not looking up at all.

"I know you were upset but once you came in and we talked, you seemed excited, what happened?" the man asks, oblivious to their past.

"I just, I'm, just play the song we have so far," Taylor sighed.

Jack sighed as he couldn't work in the environment, there was too much awkward tension which could only be cut with a cleaver. Both girls barely talked and that was completely abnormal for Taylor, who was usually bursting with ideas.

"I can't do this! You two have stuff you need to sort out and we need this song done in two weeks and Taylor we got nowhere in the past month, so you better work this shit out, right now," Jack said, walking towards the door.

Both the girl's eyes widened as they heard him shut the door which was then locked from the outside. Taylor quickly walked to the door and tried to unlock it but the door wouldn't budge.

"Don't fucking try, Taylor, it won't work. Sort your shit out, the record is on my tail and so is Tree because the record is also on her tail, so please, for the love of Tortured Poets, sort it out!" Jack let out.

"Hey, Drew," Taylor whispered, turning around.

"This was a mistake," Drew mumbled under her breath.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I was young and I didn't know better. I got a really good offer and moving was the best for my career. We had been planning it for days, I just couldn't get myself to tell you, especially after we kissed," Taylor admitted.

"You could have mentioned it once, once Taylor, once! You could have told me, you didn't want to. You could have texted me, but you didn't. You got famous and wanted nothing to do with me! Admit it! And same, honestly, I want nothing to do with you anymore. If I knew Jack was talking about you, I wouldn't have come," Drew responded, in anger.

"I really wanted to text you, Drew, I did. I just got really busy and I forgot and after a couple months I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore,"

"Stop with your bullshit, Taylor, we both know you didn't forget. You didn't want to because if you wanted to, you would. Just like how you wanted to leave, so you did, if you wanted to text me, you would!"

"Can you stop blaming me and listen to me!"

"I am listening to you but your excuses are bullshit and I'm done with them!"

"I'm telling you the truth, okay. I was young and to me, my career was the most important, I didn't realize what I had done. I really wanted to talk to you, I was scared you'd want nothing to do with me!"

"Taylor, I never left, I never did. And you could have taken that chance, it's the least you could have done after what you did. You can't face rejection and then you got famous so you didn't need me anymore!"

"You're not listening to me!"

"You're coming up with bullshit, Taylor!"

"I can't do this with you!" Taylor screamed.

She barged herself into the door over and over again, probably bruising her shoulder, until the door fell open. She grabbed five hundred dollars from her purse and shoved them at Jack, who was in front of them, and told him "Pay for the door," before glaring at Drew and walking away. Jack looked over at the brunette who stood there with fear in her face but also a slight red color on her cheeks. Jack's mouth fell open as he realized the reason for the girl's blush.

"No fucking way, really! When she's pissed at you and breaks down the door?" Jack asked, in a teasing manner.

"Shut up!" Drew said, her cheeks becoming a darker shade of red.

Drew's cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she saw Jack laughing at her. Just as she thought the embarrassment was over, she saw Taylor walking back to them.

"Move, I forgot my phone," Taylor ordered Drew, who was blocking the door.

Drew awkwardly shuffled to the side as Taylor went inside and grabbed her phone. As Taylor walked out, she looked at Drew who was as ripe as a tomato, her blush was so evident, Taylor easily noticed it. She rolled her eyes and looked at the girl with a glare. She didn't say anything, just walked away from the same way she came from. 

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