comfortable again

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"No no no! I don't like the bass line there, and the beats sound off!" Taylor screamed, slamming her cup on the table.

"Okay, what about this one?" Jack asked, changing the music a little bit.

"That's fucking worse! Why the fuck did you add a trumpet in there?" Taylor screamed, pulling at her hair.

Before Jack could respond, they heard knocking at the door. Taylor peeled herself off the couch and opened the door to see Drew standing there.

"What!" Taylor groaned.

"Jack called me," she said, inviting herself in.

"Really Jack!" Taylor groaned.

"Taylor, we've been in here for thirteen hours straight and living off of coffee and we need to get this done in two days. I need to sleep and you won't let me until we get this done, so I don't care if you both don't get along!" Jack responded, leaving no space for an argument.

"Drew, Taylor hates everything we have so far for the background music," Jack said, playing it so the girl could listen to it.

"What don't you like?" Drew asked.

"Everything, fucking everything!" Taylor said, tugging at her hair once more.

"Jack, could we have a minute?" Drew asked.

Jack gave the girl a small nod before taking his phone and stepping out the room, mostly likely to go home and take a much needed nap. Taylor was still shaking back and forth while muttering about how stupid the music sounded and Drew could tell she was anxious. Ever since Taylor was little, she would always pull her hair or start to get upset and cry and Drew remembered.

Drew went over to the blonde sitting on the couch and stood behind her. Drew dropped her hands to the girl's shoulders and gently started to massage them. Taylor immediately stopped mumbling and leaned her head back and closed her eyes. After a couple of minutes, Taylor had stopped shaking and she had fallen asleep on the couch. Drew sat in the chair, not wanting to leave or pick her up in case she'd wake up.

She put on the headphones and started messing around with the music to see if Taylor would like what she came up with. So invested in it, she didn't realize that Taylor had woken up and called out her name. She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped back in fear until she turned around to see Taylor.

"You scared me," Drew said, taking off the headphones.

"What are you doing?" Taylor asked.

"I was just working a little bit on the song," Drew said, pointing to the computer.

Taylor reached for the mouse and clicked play, listening to what Drew had done the past two hours. She couldn't lie, it wasn't exactly what she wanted but it was really close. It was really freaky how wll Drew knew what she wanted without her saying anything. Drew nervously stared at her, waiting for some kind of reaction.

"Add a deeper beat," Taylor ordered.

Drew stood up from her chair, towering over Taylor. She was at least five or six inches taller, trying to intimidate the blonde.

"Excuse me?" Drew asked, glaring into Taylor's eyes.

"Add a deeper beat, now!" Taylor exclaimed, amused by Drew.

Drew's cheeks flushed in embarrassment as her idea didn't work, so she sat down and did as Taylor asked. After about two hours of Taylor singing background vocals and Drew trying to listen to Taylors words and add that into the song, they were almost done.

"No no, I want it to be a badum badum sound not a dum dum dum dum," Taylor said, confusing Drew.

"Something deeper and longer?" Drew asks for clarification.

"No not longer but like badum," Taylor repeats.

Drew added a deeper and louder drum sound and played it back for Taylor, who seemed to like it. After listening to the whole song, Taylor was finally satisfied with the song and sent it to Jack for his input with an apology as she calmed down. Before Taylor could drink more coffee, Drew stopped her, asking her a question.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Before I came into the studio," Taylor responds.

"So seventeen hours ago!" Drew exclaimed.

"Chipotle is close by so we can go get dinner there after we clean up the studio," Drew said, starting to clean up.

"Thanks, Drew,"

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