shopping disappointments

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It had been a couple weeks and Taylor really thought she was making progress and everyone was friendlier with her. It was about two weeks before her birthday and she decided to invite them all to go shopping with her.

"Hey guys!" Taylor said, walking over to them.

No one really responded but they looked up, acknowledging her presence, except Drew. For the past couple weeks, Drew would barely talk to her, she wouldn't even look up at Taylor. The couple times she did, her cheeks would turn red and she wouldn't be able to say a proper sentence.

"Would you guys like to go shopping with me tomorrow?" Taylor asked.

"We'll have to ask our parents," Madison said, with a certain hesitancy.

Taylor nodded her head with hope, she'd been over once for a sleepover so her parents would say yes. The rest of the day she was very excited and after school, she told her mom all about what they would do. Once they got home, Taylor got a text that ruined her day.

"We can't make it, sorry."

"None of you guys?"


"That's okay, next time!"

"Sure ig"

Taylor laid down on her bed, disheartened by the conversation she just had with Madison over text. After a couple minutes of sulking, Taylor walks over to her mother's room and decides to ask her mom to go shopping with her.

"Mom, wanna go shopping tomorrow?"

"Weren't you going with your friends?" Andrea asked.

"They can't make it,"

"Yeah we can go, I'm sorry they couldn't make it, but we'll have fun," Andrea says, rubbing her daughter's back.

The next day rolled around and Taylor wasn't as excited but she was still happy to spend time with her mother. She wore the dress she had picked out the night before and they both got in the car at ten am and decided to spend the whole day together. They picked up some Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and ate in the car as Andrea drove. They both had a bunch of fun going from shop to shop and picking out clothes. It was mostly window shopping, but Taylor did get a couple articles of clothing.

They just headed out a store and decided to get lunch, it was already one pm. They made plans to go to shop some more then eat dinner outside and walk around the park near there, go to a movie and end with ice cream. Taylor forgot all about how no one could make it until they went to the food court.

"Baby, let's eat somewhere else," Andrea said, before her daughter could turn around.

"Why? The pizza here is..." Taylor completely stopped as she turned around.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Andrea said, hugging her daughter.

A couple feet away were all the girls who Taylor thought were her friends sitting together, eating pizza. They told Taylor they couldn't make it and here they were all together without her. She thought for the first time, she was actually likable.

"Mom, am I really that unlikeable?"

Andrea's heart broke when she heard her daughter ask her that question. She could feel Taylor shake in her grip and she heard the girl's voice quiver as she spoke.

"Taylor? What are you doing here?"

Both girls turned around to see a tall brunette in front of them. She had a look of confusion on her face as her friends ran up, their faces with panic and guilt.

"We were just leaving," Taylor said, coldly.

"But why are you here? You should be at home, resting," Drew said.

"What?" Taylor asked, confused.

"Aren't you sick? That's why you couldn't make it," Drew asked, confusing Taylor even more.

"You bailed on my daughter, she's perfectly fine," Andrea said, speaking up for her daughter.

"Maddy said Taylor was sick and she wanted us to go shopping without her," Drew said, looking at Maddy.

Taylor pulled up the texts on her phone and handed it to Drew who read it. Her expressions changed from confusion to realization to anger.

"I swear to God, Maddy, why would you lie?" Drew asked, angrily.

"Drop the act, we don't wanna hang out with you, Taylor, no offense," Savannah said.

"We're fucking done!" Drew said to her, angered by Savannah's bullying.

"What?" the girl asks.

"Taylor, I'm so sorry, I would love to hang out with you. If you're up for it, I saw this shirt which reminded me of you, I can show you where it is," Drew said, ignoring everyone but Taylor.

Taylor shyly nodded her head after a minute of thinking and looking at her mom who just smiled at her. Drew grabbed her hand and led her up the escalator with Andrea following behind them. Drew could hear the other girls calling for her so she stopped and turned around. She stuck up her middle finger at them before dragging Taylor to a shop she had previously been to.

"It's this one!" Drew said, handing Taylor a shirt with cats on them.

"I love it," Taylor said.

That's all Drew needed, she grabbed the shirt and went over to the counter and started paying for it before Taylor could say anything. Andrea watched from behind, smiling as she saw Taylor laugh. They both walked out the store holding hands.

"Where to next, girls?" Andrea asked.

"Cinnabon, Taylor needs to try their new brownie cinnamon roll, it's so good," Drew answered.

Taylor jogs behind Drew as the girl excitedly pulls Taylor over to the food court. Drew could see the other girls she had previously been with but all she cared about was making Taylor feel like she's important. Drew ordered three rolls, one of Taylor, herself, and Taylor's mom. While walking back with the food, the five girls walk up to them. Drew protectively pulls Taylor behind her, shielding her from the girls.

"Drew we're sorry, Taylor can hang out with us, who's gonna pay for our clothes if you're not there," Savannah whines.

"I paid because I was nice and I make money from working, I don't owe you anything so go fuck yourselves, me and Taylor have cinnamon rolls to eat," Drew said without hesitation.

"Ugh she ruined everything! Why did you even invite her to hangout with us on the first day, Lily," Maddy scoffed.

Taylor could feel the anger radiating off of Drew and her hand started to ball up into a fist. Before Drew could punch her, Taylor gripped onto her hand and Taylor could visibly see Drew starting to regulate her breathing again. Drew gripped onto her hand and walked away from the girls without saying another word.

"Taylor said you really like strawberries so we got you the strawberry-chocolate cinnamon roll," Drew said, handing the box to Andrea.

"You didn't have to," Andrea said, smiling.

Drew watched as Taylor took a bite out of the roll, noticing every feature. Drew noticed how Taylor's eyes lit up as soon as she put it in her mouth, she noticed how Taylor went back for another bite and how Taylor looked up and smiled at her with a mouth full of food, which she found really cute. She didn't know what was happening to her but she never wanted to stop looking at Taylor.

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