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As Harley walked Selina toward where they had stored some clothes, Ivy turned on the TV to an immediate broadcast from Vicki Vale interviewing police commissioner James Gordon.

"Seems you've done a good job rounding up the convicts commissioner", Said Vicki "yeah well with our police force, no criminal is safe on the streets",said Gordon proudly. "Now I believe that there are still a few on the loose, is that true?" Continued Vicki "well we re arrested the majority within a short period of time but we do, still have four that remain, but. They won't be so lucky for much longer because we're coming, we have the best of the force out all around Gotham on patrol in all sorts of vehicles and I know for a fact, these deranged sons of bitches will be back in confinement in due time. And if you're out there seeing this, you can try to run but eventually you're gonna run out of breath, we're scouting every inch of the city and we will find you. You can't run forever and you will be inside faster than your head will spin I can assure you that", Gordon firmly stated.

Ivy looked in shock at the TV and said "Harleyyy!", as from the other room, both Harley and Selina heard as Harley responded, "huh?", as she leaned over, looking into the other room as she watched the news broadcast, "uhhh...", Harley made a noise.

Oswald Cobbelpot sat in his 'throne' as he watched the broadcast from his office, "oh piss off...", he sighed.

Meanwhile, at a gang hideout, a group of gangsters sat around a table watching the broadcast, when suddenly, a body of one of their own, flew through the door. "Knock, knock!", they heard as The Joker walked in, laughing maniacally. As all the gang members drew their guns, The Joker pulled out a grenade and took a step back, which scared the gangsters. The Joker smiled, revealing his yellow teeth, "I mean, unless you wanna end up like that guy, maybe you should hear me out?" The Joker threatened, as he kneeled down, still holding the grenade, then placed his hand on the dead guy's mouth, treating him like a ventriloquist doll, "what was that?", The Joker responded, "you think I should just blow this entire room?!", The Joker laughed psychotically. "We all know who you are, and we're gonna give you, to the count of-", one of the gang members began explaining, before The Joker shot him directly in the head, using a pistol. "Rule one folks, don't be like that guy", The Joker advised them jokingly. "Now I'm sorry to burst in like this, and catch you all by surprise, however I'm afraid we don't have much time", The Joker told them, as he walked to the end of their table. "May I?" The Joker asked, as he pulled out a chair, the gang's foreheads beginning to sweat in fear. As the clown pulled the chair back, he turned it around and sat down with the back of the chair facing forwards. "Now ya see, the people on these streets just see me as a mad man. I am.", The Joker began explaining, "however, each and everyone of us here, all know that Gotham fell a long time ago, I mean...corrupt politicians, cops in with the mob, a man dressed like a Bat for gods sake, y'know come to think of ain't so different to Arkham, Haha!", The Joker laughed. "What the fuck do you want?!", a gang member shouted out at him, as The Joker turned to face him, "I want what you want, power.", The Joker replied. "Sionis is back on the streets, and his empire died out years ago, Pengy's getting old and won't be running the streets forever, so that brings in the new kingpin of Gotham, me, the clown of crime!", The Joker laughed, as the gang members all looked at each other. "Hi, what's your name?", The Joker asked a guy on the right, "Carl", the guy responded, "nice to meet ya Carl", The Joker told him, as he shook his hand, electrocuting him as The Joker laughed maniacally, as he danced whilst he did it. After he had finished, Carl dropped dead on the floor, as they all looked underneath the table to see the body. "Now I'm gonna offer you the opportunity of a lifetime, you work with me, take back Gotham from all the rats running this place-", The Joker explained then got interrupted, "why the hell do you think we're gonna take orders from you?", a member asked him, "because I just killed two of your guys, and have a ton of money and a weapons supply waiting for ya at base", The Joker explained then added, "seriously, where did you think I got the grenade and your guy from?". "Anyways, I gotta's my know where to find me...", The Joker placed a Joker card on the table, as he slowly walked backwards before sprinting out of the door.

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