Chapter 1 - Arrival

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Chapter 1 - Arrival

Rimuru open his eyes in a dense lush forest covered in a thick layer of magicules.

Rimuru: Velgrynd-san!

< Ciel analyse the situation >

<< Analysing the situation. >>

Rimuru then looks around.

Rimuru: It looks like Jur-

<< Confirmed It seems we are in forest of jura but in 50000 years ago. >>

< I see...Wait...50000?! >

<< Warning A mass energy approaching in 2 second >>

Rimuru: Wha?!

Then something came crashing down infront of Rimuru.

Rimuru quickly go into a defensive position.

As the dust settled the person stood up and dust off himself.

Rimuru: Feldway?...No You're not Feldway...Could it be you're Veldanava?

Rimuru said while in a defensive position.

???: Kuhahaha! You know me? Yes i am Veldanava the Star King Dragon and the first true dragon it seems you're mad at Feldway do you perhaps have some dispute with him?

Veldanava said as he comfortably stand next to Rimuru.

Veldanava: /This/

Rimuru: /Person is/

Rimuru/Veldanava: /Strong!/

The two thought gauging each others power.

Before Rimuru analyse Veldanava he already knew he is strong. But that is different from Veldanava who just stand next to Rimuru and already felt his neverending power.


<< Fight! Fight! >> Ciel said as she lay to the long beach chair while watching the two of them in Rimuru's eyes. Of course she didn't forget to get her popcorn and drinks.


After Velgrynd and Rimuru teleport to the past.

Somewhere in the northern continent.

Velgrynd: Rimuru!

Velgrynd scream as she suddenly jump out of the chair.

???: Something matter Velgrynd?

A woman with a smooth white hair and golden eyes said which startled Velgrynd.

Velgrynd: /No way...Sister? But i was in tempest just now/

Velgrynd thought then she notice her power is much weaker than before. No to be precise her power revert to what its used to be.

Velgrynd then looks around and notice Guy and Rudra fighting.

Velgrynd: /They are definitely weaker than what they should be...Could it be that Rimuru and I were hurdle back to past? Thats the only explanation to why they are thousandth times weaker than what they should be./

Velgrynd thought then she look deep inside her heart(Nucleus) and notice the passage between him and Rimuru are gone.

Velgrynd: /Even this huh.../

???: What's happening Velgrynd? Do you need something?

The woman said as she sip her tea.

Velgrynd: Nothing Sister.

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