Chapter 7 - Mist Lord vs Lord Of Darkness

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Chapter 7 - Mist Lord vs Lord of Darkness

Zegion who appeared in the battlefield confronts Guy head on.

Zegion Stood tall as he face Guy.

The two stare at each other gauging each other's strength.

"He is certainly strong...I guess he is at  a True Dragon level? What the is happening even the three is at the level of true dragons." Guy thought.

Suddenly a shadow struck Guy, Who quickly put up a Guard.

"Heavy!" Guy thought as he crash on the wall.

Guy: He tore my hand in one blow? Hah~ As expected of insectar. A natural enemy of demons.

Guy said as he heals his missing limb.

Guy then rush at Zegion, Who became a butterfly.

Guy's eyes widened and stopped at his track.

"An illusion type?" Guy thought when suddenly he felt a pain in his back.

Guy: Urgh!

Guy flew again on the wall.

Guy: This is...Pain? Your attack bypass my resistance?

Guy said as he look at Zegion.

Zegion just looked at him before turning into another butterfly again.

Guy takes a stance and close his eyes.

Feeling his surrounding aura, Guy tries his best to look for Zegion.

Then he yet again received a punch on the stomach.

Zegion: Veldora Killing Arts! Void Fist.

Guy grabbed Zegions hand and twisted it before jumping away.

Guy: Tch! what a tricky opponent. Come World!

Guy then raise his hand.

The sword that flown with Guy begun to glow in a red hue.

Then as if it has a will of his own.

It tries to attack Zegion but Zegion just tilted his head letting the sword to pass by.

Guy: I am ready.

Guy said and swung down his sword which begun emitting rainbow colors.

Zegion: Hihirokane? Not a problem.

Zegion said, Then he raise his hand and his fingertips begun emitting magicules.

Zegion:  Dimension Storm!

Five lightning flew out of Zegion's hand and goes straight to Guy. With a power to reap the space open

Guy with his Ultimate skill Abyss God Noudens tighten his sword and generate abyss energy which is a down graded version of nihility energy of Rimuru.

Guy: Abyssal Edge Slash.

Guy with a vertical slash sent out an energy waves of slashes countering Zegion's Dimension storm.

Guy then ran towards Zegion.

Zegion seeing this open his wings.

The two rush and attack each other while in the air.

Every where they go a shockwave Generate but thanks to Rimuru the whole castle didn't go down


Rimuru and the others watch Zegion and Guy fight, Velgrynd who only seen Zegion was amaze at Rimuru who is it's master.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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