Chapter 6 - Black Numbers Vs Guy Crimson

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Chapter 6 -  Black Numbers Vs Guy Crimson

As Guy and the others assume their very own fighting position, Rimuru and the others watched in the sideline  making room for them to fight on.

Guy found himself surrounded by the Black Commanders.

Guy: Come!

The Demoness trio rush at Guy while Diablo watches them fight each other.


Flashback before the fight.

As Carrera and Ultima finished their Battle, They come and watch Diablo and Guy fight each other.

Not before long Testarossa joined them to watch at Guy and Diablo.

Guy: Why are you? Despite being so strong serving someone weaker than you?

Diablo: Oh please...I'm barely in the tip of the power of my Lord, Also please don't call him weak. He is more powerful than you.

Diablo said as he slammed Guy on the floor.

Guy: Oh really? I bet your master is also weird just like you.

Guy said as he repelled himself on the floor and kick Diablo.

His words manage to pissed the Demoness Trio.

Carrera: Are you going to let him insult Lord Rimuru?! Diablo!

Ultima: Do not fuck with Us Diablo! Why are you letting him insult Lord Rimuru!

The two yelled in anger as their Aura burst out of their body.

Testarossa just silently look at Guy while releasing murderous intent.

Guy: If you guys are not content Come and fight me. I would crush you all along with your master like a bug.

Guy said, As the four heard what he said they burst out in Anger.

Diablo grabbed Guy on the leg and Ripped it apart before throwing him away.

Carrera appear behind Gun and kicks him away before blasting him with magic. Boosting his momentum towards Ultima, Who is ready to slam him on the floor but.

Guy: Abyssal Flame Burst

A flame came out of Guy's hand forming into a shape of three black Dragon which attack the demoness trio.

The dragon rush at the three but Testarossa manage to jump away from the dragon and tangle her whip Guy's arm.

Testarossa pulled him in, causing his very own magic to target and exploded Infront of him making him flew away

Guy crashed on the table where Rimuru and the others are.

As the dust formed, Guy hastily mend his leg and stood up.

Rimuru: I didn't know you guys would gang up on Guy. I thought you would fight him one on one?

Rimuru said as his subordinate looks at Guy with hateful eyes.

Rimuru: Wait a minute...If you guys were looking at him like that I assume he insult me?

Rimuru said, The Black numbers only further released their aura, Causing Rimuru to facepalm.

"Although I restrained them there is no way you would win in a fight against them if you could not beat Diablo in a one on one."

Guy then turn his head on Rimuru.

Guy: They are weak. I heard from Jaune you were restraining them. released their restrictions.

End of Flashback.

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