Chapter 3 - Confrontation

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Chapter 3 - Confrontation

Rimuru woke up and sees himself tied up in the bed.

Rimuru: /What the...Wait why do i feel this rope were indestructible?/

Rimuru thought as he tries to break free but the rope resist his strength which is quite a feat.

While trying to break Rimuru sees Ciel undressing herself.

<<Should i try making my breast even bigger? Im already in my human form i wonder if i can change some of my body parts.>> Ciel said out loud causing Rimuru to blush

Ciel then tapped her chest adjusting her size similar to Shizu's size.

Rimuru felt himself having a nose bleed despite not having ability to do so right now since he is in his slime humanoid slime form.

<<Perfect...I guess Shizu really possessed a good body figure.>>

Ciel said then she turn around and see Rimuru struggling to break free.

<<No! You're not allowed to leave right now>>

Ciel then strengthen the rope.

Rimuru: Dont do this Ciel and let me go! This is an order.

Rimuru said while trying to break free

Ciel hearing the word order felt a conflicting feelings inside her.

<<I dont want to follow the order but at the same time i wanted to see you order me around>>

Ciel said and begin to touch herself.

Rimuru trying to restrain himself with his remaining sanity manage to broke free from the rope and successfully pinned Ciel down.

Rimuru: You know...I really want to do it but in proper way...Not like this. So right now be contented with this.

Rimuru then kissed Ciel causing the two to blushes


Ciel suddenly pounce on Rimuru and kissed him even more.

Ciel then place Rimuru's hand on her breast.

Rimuru gently squeeze it making Ciel moan softly.

Rimuru: *SNAP*

His last remaining sanity snapped causing him to pinned Ciel.

Ciel blush intensely seeing her master like this.

Then Ciel softly embraced Rimuru.

The two then shared a wonderful time not knowing Velgrynd is waiting outside.


Velgrynd, arrived outside alone.

Velgrynd: Sigh~How did this happen?! i wanted to see more damn it!

Velgrynd said in an empty space.

Then she begun to touch herself while imagining Rimuru scolding her.

Velgrynd: Ahh...Rimuru....Ahh...Kuh...!

Velgrynd then looks at her soaking hand.

Velgrynd: I been waiting for so long...Just a little bit more and it will happen. Rimuru~

Velgrynd then cloaks herself with fire, drying her soaking leg and hand.

Velgrynd: i'll be waiting Rimuru.

Velgrynd said and flies away towards the Northern castle.

While flying Velgrynd's mind plunge into a deep thought.

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