Chapter 4 - Black Commanders Vs Past Strongest

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Chapter 4 - Black Commanders Vs Past Strongest

Rudra readied himself and takes a stance.

Testa readied her whip before unleashing all of her demonic youki.

Diablo and Guy look at the two before looking at each other.

Diablo: I supposed we dont have a choice, Kufufufu.

From Diablo's hand emerge a Dragon claw and a scissor claw.

Guy tightens his hand forming a fist.

Then the two step forward at each other.

Suddenly the two release their explosive demonic youki.

And so the two who fought for the title of strongest in the underworld has begun.

The fight that stopped for millennium has begun again.


Carrera: How long do you plan on sleeping Rain?

Carrera said as she step forward towards Rain.

Rain then woke up and struggling to stand up.

Rain: You bitch...If i didn't protect my core i would disappear!

Rain said as she summon her cannon buster.

(A/N:Im basing her weapon on Slime isekai please dont be mad. Also i dont know what it is called so i'll call it cannon buster)

Seeing this Carrera summon her Judgement Gun.

Carrera: You want gun fight?! i'll give you that! Try to survive.

Carrera said with a evil grin on her face.

And so both gunners rush at each other whilst pointing their respective weapon at one another.


Misary woke up as Ultima was about come at her.

Ultima: Oh...You woke up...I was about to try my new poison on you too bad you woke up.

Misary just looks at her before summoning her green great sword.

Ultima looks at her before smiling.

Ultima: So you fight in close quarter? In the underworld you fought only with magic.

Ultima said, Then she crouch like a tiger while channeling all of her fighting aura in her whole body.

Misary eyes widen as she saw the power Ultima shown.

Misary: Tch! /This is bad...If i even get hit once i will be obliterated./

Misary thought then with no other choice she split her great sword into two and show her wings.

Channeling all of her magic on the two sword, It glow a green light and the sword extend in length.

Ultima: /Though faint it show a sign of killing me...I guess you plan to end it in one strike./

Ultima thought then she channel more of her fighting aura into her entire being.

And with that the two plan to settle the fight in one move.


Rudra dash at Testarossa who flies back while firing a white flames at him.

Testarossa: Tenacious Bastard!

Testa cussed then she grabbed her flame whip turning it into white flaming whip.

Rudra: Of course, I am a hero if i dont persevere how will i carry the weight of the world.

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