Chapter One

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Things have gone downhill since King Harold and Queen Lillian signed the kingdom of Far Far Away over to Rumpelstiltskin in order to end their daughter's curse. Princess Fiona was sent to live in a locked tower in a dragon-guarded castle, and she has lived there for years, waiting and dreaming for her true love to rescue her and break her curse with True Love's Kiss, as it has been said that it's so powerful, it can break any curse. But Rumpelstiltskin, being the deceitful trickster he's known to be, didn't quite keep his end of the deal, and the King and Queen disappeared into thin air the second they signed the contract! Literally!

When Rumpelstiltskin took over, things have been awful. He had his army of witches bring all the ogres they could find. While they were able to find some ogres, it wasn't enough. No one knew where, but somewhere, there was an ogre resistance.

In a cozy two-story cabin in the woods a little far from Far Far Away, there live two witches: Nevaeh and Aaron. Nevaeh is a woman with hazel eyes, long wavy brown hair that reaches her waist, and rosy cheeks that have a light dusting of freckles on them. She wears a simple beautiful dress and diamond earrings that were given to her by her grandmother.

 (My dress)

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(My dress)

                               (Aaron's clothes)

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                               (Aaron's clothes)

Aaron is a muscular man with hazel eyes, brown hair and a beard, and one could say Nevaeh is his spitting image. He also wears simple clothes, but before Rumpelstiltskin took over, he used to work as a knight for the King and Queen. He and Nevaeh are not like the witches who work for Rumpelstiltskin. They're good, they don't have green skin, they don't melt when they touch water, and they don't like the way Rumpelstiltskin is running the kingdom. When they first learned that tyrannical dwarf took over and was having witches work for him, they immediately packed what belongings they could and moved into the cabin they currently live in. They figured it was the perfect place to stay, since it was isolated in the woods and no one has lived in that cabin in years.

Several years passed, and things were okay for Nevaeh and Aaron. They made a garden behind the cabin, so they could grow fruits and vegetables. When it came to meat products, Aaron would give some of the fruits and vegetables to a kindly farmer, who lived outside the woods not too far from them, in exchange for meat and eggs and bread. While her dad was away, Nevaeh would take care of the household chores. Oftentimes she spent her afternoons in another spot of the woods near a stream, practicing her magic. She would also go there to practice her singing, as she was quite shy when singing around other people. Aaron allowed this as long as she made sure to stay hidden and be back by dinner, as he didn't want those wicked witches finding her. He knew they flew around on their broomsticks, trying to find the ogre resistance. The last thing he wanted was his only child being taken away and working for that so-called ruler.

Little did either of them know that a mysterious man already knew about them.

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