Chapter Eight

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     The next morning, Nevaeh wakes up to the morning sunlight shining through her windows, and when her eyes adjust to her surroundings, her stomach sinks.

     "It wasn't a nightmare," she mumbles.

She had hoped that everything that happened yesterday—the witches, Rumpelstiltskin, the Pied Piper, etc—had all been a bad dream. But no, she's still in her new room at the Piper's mansion. Moo-Moo opens his eyes when he feels his mistress sitting up, and he yawns and stretches his little body as he tries to wake himself up. Nevaeh looks around the room, and her eyes stop on the vanity. Another red rose has been placed in the vase.

He was in here, she thinks.

She walks to the vanity, and after a moment of staring at the roses, looks at her reflection. Her long hair is a little frazzled from everything that's happened yesterday, and tossing and turning all night. She opens a drawer and sees a hairbrush inside. Moo-Moo simply sits on the bed and watches his mistress brush her hair out until it's nice and soft, but then his protective instincts kick in when a knock is heard at the door and he growls.

     "Shh. Easy, boy," Nevaeh tells him, and she walks to the door (with Moo-Moo joining her, just in case).

     She opens the door and gasps when she sees the Piper standing there. He's holding his flute in one hand, but his other hand is behind his back, like he's hiding something from her.

     "Oh! Um. . . good morning, Pied Piper," she says, trying to be polite.

     Even if she's still upset with him, that's not going to stop her from being polite. He did give her a nice room to sleep in instead of a cold basement or anything bad like that, after all. The Piper gives Nevaeh a kind smile, and he reveals a white box from behind his back and holds it out to her.

     "Oh. For me?" she asks, genuinely surprised.

     The Piper nods, and she takes the box, a little curious. She slowly opens it, and gasps softly at what she sees inside. It's the most beautiful crystal necklace she has ever seen.

     She takes it out and holds it by the chain, admiring its beauty for a moment

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She takes it out and holds it by the chain, admiring its beauty for a moment.

     "Um. . . thank you. How thoughtful," she says.

The Piper nods his head as if to say "You're welcome" and holds his hand out. Nevaeh looks at him with confusion.

     "I was offering to put the necklace on for you," the Piper says through the flute.

     Nevaeh is a little taken aback, but she nods and gives him the necklace, understanding that he's just trying to be polite. He gives her his flute so he can use both hands to put the necklace on for her. Nevaeh turns around and moves her hair out of the way so it can be easier for him to put the necklace on. She feels goosebumps prickle her skin when she feels the Piper's fingers lightly brush against the back of her neck as he puts the clasp together. Steadying her racing heart, she turns around to face him, and she gives him his flute back.

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