Chapter Two

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Nevaeh sits on a branch in her favorite willow tree by the stream, enjoying the slight breeze blowing through her hair as she sings while gently petting her Yorkie dog Moo-Moo. She found him in the woods about a month ago. The poor thing was lost and malnourished, so she took him in and nourished him back to health. Her dad allowed her to keep him, partly because the dog wouldn't leave her alone after she helped him.


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"So I look up at the stars to guide me
And throw caution to every warning sign!
I'm sure there will be challenges that find
But I can take them on one at a time!
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this!
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this!
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah!
More than this, oh, ah-ah-ah!
So I make this wish
To have something more for us than this!" she sings.

Her relaxed smile quickly fades when she hears a whooshing sound coming from up above. She peeks through the leaves, and her fears are confirmed when she sees a few witches flying overhead, surely trying to find ogres. She grabs Moo-Moo and immediately presses herself back against the tree as far as she can to keep herself out of sight, holding Moo-Moo close to her. When the witches are gone, Nevaeh breathes a sigh of relief, but waits a few minutes to make sure they're really gone.

     "Time to go home," she says to Moo-Moo.

Moo-Moo barks in agreement, and Nevaeh uses her magic to make the branch lower so she can walk off of it. She then runs as quickly as she can back to the cabin. She pauses when she sees her cabin, and takes the chance to catch her breath and look around to make sure no one has followed her. She then sets Moo-Moo down and walks the rest of the way to the cabin with Moo-Moo following her. She can smell the scent of dinner coming from the cabin, making her stomach growl. She and Moo-Moo walk up the steps leading to the front porch and opens the front door.

 (Living room)

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(Living room)

 (Living room)

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 (Aaron's bedroom)

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(Aaron's bedroom)

 (Aaron's bedroom)

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(My bedroom)

"Dad, we're home!" she calls out as she enters the cabin, making sure to close the door behind her.

"I'm in the kitchen, sweetheart," her dad calls back.

Nevaeh and Moo-Moo enter the kitchen to see that Aaron is nearly done with supper. A pot is on the stove, steam rising out of whatever it is Aaron is making. Aaron greets his daughter with a warm smile.

     "Good timing. I'm just about done with supper," he says.

     "Great. I'm famished," Nevaeh replies as she sits on one of the stools by the counter, and Moo-Moo sits next to it.

     "See any witches?" Aaron asks her with calm concern.

     "Yep. As always, they're still trying to find the ogre resistance. What does Rumpelstiltskin want with those ogres anyway? I know it's been said that they eat people, but I strongly doubt he's trying to catch them to protect everyone," Nevaeh says, mentally laughing at the thought of Rumpelstiltskin protecting anyone.

     Moo-Moo growls at the very mention of the dwarf's name. Aaron sighs as he gets some plates and bowls ready.

     "I don't know, sweetheart. And I'm sure you're right. Stiltskin is way too cruel to protect anyone," he points out as he sets dinner in front of Nevaeh and takes a seat next to her, and he tosses a thick piece of ham to Moo-Moo, who gladly digs in.

     It turns out Aaron has made vegetable soup and grilled cheese and ham sandwiches, with the bread having been toasted just right, cut into halves. Nevaeh dunks a bit of one of her sandwich halves into the soup and, after blowing on it to cool it down, takes a bite. The light crunching sound of the toasted bread and the feeling of the warm tomato soup running down her throat is enough to make her feel satisfied. But it's not enough to take her mind off of how bad things currently are. She hasn't been to Far Far Away in so long, and it worries her whenever she thinks about what Rumpelstiltskin could've done to what was once her home.

After they finish eating their dinner, Aaron and Nevaeh clean up the kitchen, and head upstairs to their rooms to get ready for bed. After changing into a nightgown, she climbs into bed, with Moo-Moo cuddling up next to her, and turns off the light, and she closes her eyes, letting her mind drift off to dreamland. Aaron changes into some silk pajamas, and he climbs into bed, all the while wishing for a miracle that can save Far Far Away.

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