Chapter Five

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The carriage stops at the door to the main hall. Several witches come to unlock and open the cage. Two of the witches grab Nevaeh's wrists and drag her out of the cage.

"Let her go!" Aaron shouts as he goes to pull Nevaeh away from them, but the other two witches grab his arms.

The father-daughter duo are placed in handcuffs. Moo-Moo tries to attack the witches, but since he's a small dog, it only seems like a joke to them, and one of them simply picks him up and holds on tight to him as he tries to get out of her grasp. The witches drag them to the doors. Nevaeh takes one last look at the donkey that brought them there, and smiles sadly at him.

     "Bye," she says quietly.

     The donkey smiles softly at her and nods, as if saying goodbye to her.

     The witches laugh heartlessly as they push the doors open. Inside the huge room is a rave party going on with the whole room infested with witches, dancing and celebrating, with loud rave music playing. Aaron and Nevaeh glance at their surroundings. They see the Three Little Pigs in servant clothes feeding a large, scary-looking goose some ham. The goose pecks at it a bit, before scarfing it all down. They glance at another corner to see a witch band playing the rave music with a pumpkin drum, a broomstick bass, a skull xylophone which is making synthesizer music, and a huge brewing cauldron. As the rest of the witches continue dancing and shouting with glee, the witches holding Nevaeh, Aaron, and Moo-Moo prisoner continue leading them across the ballroom.

     The trio is brought to the door leading to the dungeon. They are dragged down the stairs leading down to the cold dungeon, and to the cell that is farthest down the hall. They shiver at the chilling air around them. One of the witches uses a key to unlock the cell door and opens it. The witches take the handcuffs off Nevaeh's and Aaron's wrist and shove the two inside the cell, and the witch holding Moo-Moo throws him inside. Before Nevaeh and Aaron can run out of the cell, the witches close the door and lock it.

     "Enjoy your stay," one of them says mockingly, and the witches cackle as they leave the dungeon.

     "Oh, man!" Nevaeh panics as she starts to pace around worriedly.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We're gonna find a way out of here. I'll think of something," Aaron promises, hoping to that it will come her down.

"How? The cell door is locked and there are witches everywhere! And even if we could escape, they know where we live; they'll just come after us once they find out we've escaped," Nevaeh points out.

"Well. . . it never hurts to try," Aaron replies, trying to be optimistic.

Nevaeh thinks for a moment. She doesn't know if they really have a chance of escaping, and they're not powerful enough to teleport, but it wouldn't hurt to at least think of a way out. Aaron stands by the cell door, leaning against the door for support while Nevaeh paces.

*one hour later*

There is barely much sunlight left peeking through the cell window, and the party noise has died down. Nevaeh is standing by the window and holding Moo-Moo, staring at the view outside, while Aaron paces.

*another hour later*

It is completely dark out now. Aaron is standing by the window while Nevaeh is sitting on the bottom bunk bed with Moo-Moo, completely bored.

"So, how's the escape plan coming?" she asks.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I've got nothing," Aaron sighs.

Nevaeh lies on her back.

"Why us? Why did Rumpelstiltskin have us brought here?" she asks.

"I don't know. Though, the witches said he wanted you. I'm not sure why they brought me along. Probably just for torture. What I do know is that I'm not gonna let them hurt you," Aaron replies as he walks to the bed.

Nevaeh sits up so he can have room to sit down next to her and Moo-Moo. They sit in dead silence. But then the silence is interrupted when they faintly hear something going on upstairs.

"Mr. Stiltskin! He's here," a familiar voice says, and Nevaeh and Aaron realize that voice belongs to the witch who took them from their home.

"Nice," the voice that can only belong to Rumpelstiltskin says.

Aaron, Nevaeh, and Moo-Moo then hear the sound of a flute playing. The tune lasts for a few seconds.

"Pied Piper," Rumpelstiltskin says once the tune stops.

Nevaeh and Aaron look at each other with surprise. They've heard of the Pied Piper. He's known for being a professional bounty hunter. He can control people, animals, and all kinds of things with his flute. But what is he doing at the castle?

"How was your commute?" Rumpelstiltskin asks the Pied Piper.

A few quick notes are played.

     "Good," Rumpelstiltskin says.

     "You call this guy a bounty hunter? What's he gonna do, flute those ogres a lullaby?" the witch scoffs.

     She and a few other witches chortle, but then the sound of the flute playing is heard, and the witches' mocking laughter is replaced by screams as the Pied Piper plays the song "Sure Shot."

     "Okay, got it! MAKE IT STOP!" the witch screams.

     Nevaeh looks at Aaron with confusion and points above them, as though she were asking him if he knows what's going on up there, but Aaron shrugs, feeling just as confused as her. Combined with the flute playing and the witches screaming, they can hear Rumpelstiltskin's laughter. The song lasts for a little bit before Rumpelstiltskin speaks up.

     "All right, that's enough," he says.

     The flute stops playing.

     "Looks like it's time to pay the Piper," Rumpelstiltskin says.

     A moment of silence passes.

     "Griselda, seriously, it's time to pay the Piper. Now go get the girl! Go! Move! Get out! Things are getting real sloppy around here!" Rumpelstiltskin shouts at the witch.

     Nevaeh and Aaron look at each other with worry.

     "What do you think he meant by 'the girl'?" Nevaeh asks.

     "I'm afraid we both might already know the answer to that," Aaron replies.

     Their fears are confirmed when the door to the dungeon is opened.

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