Chapter Twelve

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     It has been a couple days, and the Piper is amazed with how Nevaeh has been a lot kinder to him. What happened that day? He wants to ask what his butler told her, but he decides not to pressure her into telling him. He's just glad she doesn't hate him anymore.

     Right now, he's searching for her in the mansion. He was surprised that she wasn't in her room when he went to escort her to breakfast. She never attempted to run away during her stay, and he trusts that she will never break her promise. He gasps quietly when he faintly hears what sounds like piano music. He follows the sound, almost looking hypnotized by it, the musical sound slowly getting louder as he gets closer to it. After a few twists and turns, walking up a flight of stairs, and walking down a hallway, he eventually winds up in the library.

     Nevaeh is sitting at the piano inside, completely focused on playing the ivories, and Moo-Moo is lying on the couch, looking like he's about to fall asleep

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     Nevaeh is sitting at the piano inside, completely focused on playing the ivories, and Moo-Moo is lying on the couch, looking like he's about to fall asleep. She doesn't even hear the Piper walking up to her, a small smile on his face when he realizes she's playing the song "In the Hall of the Mountain King." After a few minutes, she finally looks up, and she nearly jumps out of her skin when she sees the Piper standing there! She quickly stands up, her legs knocking against the piano, causing a blue vase with a white daisy in it to almost fall off the piano. Luckily, Nevaeh is quick enough to catch it, and she looks at the Piper nervously.

"I'm so sorry," she quickly apologizes as she sets the vase back on the piano. "I just wanted to do a little practicing, and I shouldn't have done that without your permission and—"

The Piper manages to cut her off by placing a hand on her shoulder, signaling to her that it's fine. She clears her throat, feeling a bit awkward and embarrassed at the moment. She looks over at the couch to see Moo-Moo stretching and yawning, and she walks over to the couch to sit and puts Moo-Moo on her lap. She feels pressure next to her, and she looks to see that the Piper has sat next to her.

"I do apologize for not meeting you at breakfast. I just woke up early and thought I'd come down here. I hope you don't mind me doing that," she says.

"Not at all. I was surprised you weren't in your room, yes, but if you like coming to the library, it's perfectly fine," the Piper responds through his flute.

     Before Nevaeh can say anything, Moo-Moo suddenly hops onto his lap.

     "Oh, great, he's loving you more than he does me," Nevaeh jokes, playfully pouting, complete with crossed arms.

     If the Piper could, he would've laughed at how silly she's being.

     "How did you find him?" he asks her, genuinely curious about how she found Moo-Moo.

     "I was in the woods when I found him. The poor thing looked sickly—malnourished and hardly had much fur on him. I took him in and took good care of him, giving him food and water and bathing him. After a few days, he was perfectly healthy, and wouldn't stop following me. Even when I tried to let him go, he wouldn't leave. He just kept coming back to me, wanting me to be his new owner. So, my dad and I decided to keep him, making him my loyal companion," Nevaeh explains, smiling a bit at the memory.

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