Chapter 1- Natalie Rushman

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*i walk in from the lobby where a very eccentric fan/ groupie gave me flowers and a teddy bear*

me: "JARVIS, where is tony?"

JARVIS: "in his lab miss y/n"

me:"thank you" *in hallway by lab* *runs into someone* shit sorry, uh- who are you?

N: "Oh i am Mr. Stark's new assistant, Natalie Rushman" *shows me the clearance card happy gave her* "you must be Ms. Stark, I was supposed to go find you to give you this..." *tries to give me files in her hand*

Me: Uh thanks, i'll trade you *hands her the flowers and bear*.*looks over at glass walls in tony's lab that are un tinted now bc he is watching.*

tony: *giving me a thumbs up*

n: *not noticing* haha what's this for?

me: *laughs* you might want to check that for nanny cams and the like... sorry but i have to go speak to my brother, maybe we can talk later? 

N: Lunch?... ;)

me: sure *internal screaming, walks into lab*

Tony: ooooo someone likes the new assistant.

me: how did pepper feel about said new assistant?

tony: yeah yeah, i have eyes for my girlfriend and only my girlfriend or whatever

me: *scrunches nose* she is hot tho.

tony: honestly- like look at this *shows internet pics*

me: *covers eyes* that is an invasion of privacy tony.

tony: i didn't even have to look to hard for these tho.

me: look, I just wanted to tell you that the people from the memory study called me back and Aunt Peg isn't eligible for the trial

tony: shit.

me: yeah but, we'll find another one right? we'll get through this.

tony: *tries to smile comfortingly* 

me: anway, uhm, I'll see you later tony

           *an hour or so later, I am bored in my room*

me: Hey JARVIS can you ask all the Management GC if anyone wants to join me for lunch.

JARVIS: Yes i asked Mr. Stark, Happy, Ms.Potts, and Ms. Rushman

me: shit wait she's in that now?! kill me kill me kill me

JARVIS: would you like me to unsend it?

me: no it is fine, thank you JARVIS. Text Rhodes too.

JARVIS: Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts have plans, as does Lt. Rhodes, Happy wants you to bring him back some takeout, And Ms. Rushman would like to join you.

me: kill me.

JARVIS: I don't think i can do that.

me: damn... wait "think"?


*me pulling around in my Corvette*

me: ready Ms. Rushman?

N: please, call me nat

me: well, nat, where do you want to go?


me: right answer

                      *ffw a month, Natalie and I have become good friends but we're like- the super flirty kind if ykwim*

                      *Tonight is tony's birthday party in Iron Man 2*

me: *walks in a little late but also on damage-control mode bc tony is a mess*

Tony: g-go change.

me: excuse me Mr. already shitfaced?

Tony: it's called pregamingggg, and go change.

me: why?

N: *walking up behind me* yeah why?

T: because... do you see this?!

N: mhm she looks hot

me: *blushing*

T: it's completely inappropriate!

me: and what these other girls are wearing isn't?

T: you are a Stark, Y/N. we have an image to protect.

me: yes the men can be sluts but never the women. *walks off, flipping him off*


me: mhm. whatever. *goes to the bar*

nat: *follows*

me: *getting a drink* yk? i think it's time i go back to work.

nat: meaning?

me: that i had a real job before I came back for tony.

nat: he needs you- more than he will ever admit...

me: i know that, but he doesn't so it's time for him to learn.

nat: oh come on, let's go have some fun.

me: what do you have in mind?

nat: start with a dance and see where the night takes us?

me: ok

                       *ffw an hour, we're in a coffee shop*

me: a large caramel frappe with 2 shots of espresso, extra whip, and extra caramel drizzle.

n: large black coffee please

me: damn. that's threatening.

n: and the amount of sugar in yours isn't?

me: hey! it's good. 

                    *we take the coffee to her apartment bc I don't want to go back with the party*

me: it's funny that you think i am sleeping after that much coffee

n: who said anything about sleeping?


n: *walking towards me*

me: nat?

n: oh hush *kisses me*

me: ... oh *kisses back*

                     *yk 😉😉😉*

                     *the next morning we both get calls from fury but neither of us tell the other, i said Happy had an emergency and she said smthn about a sister*

*i go first and when she meets us all there i am actually livid*


N: Y/N-

me: nope. fuck this- *walks out* fury you and i will have a very lovely conversation later.

F: looking forward to it.

*i basically go dark, i go to our hotel in Maui and stay in a Suite there*

                     *you know how the rest of the movie goes, i just watch it through the news*

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