Chapter 9- back with Nat?

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*idk how i got onto the helicarrier*

*I mourn in my room for a good two months, I refused to eat for the first but i am eating now and working out & training when ik know one else is in there*

*wanda is the only person i would talk to but even that took a while*

me: *decides is done mourning and introverting* hey vision? how would one trigger my memories?

v: well Ms. Romanoff seems to be the usual trigger-

me: *walks out* thanks

me:*in bruce's lab* hey! have you learned anything about my memories? because i think imma try something if you don't have a better alternative.

b: uh yeah but not much it's really a case by case basis.

me: sick- thanks for trying. *walks out*

me: *knocks on door* knock knock!!!

nat: *opens door slightly, then all the way* y/ n? what's up?

me: can i kiss you?

n: what?

me: look you seem to be the only thing i can remember so vision has a theory that you are a trigger for me— I know we were a thing. I just- I need to try I feel like such a disappointment and—

nat: *cuts me off by kissing me*

me: *floodgates of memory open*

nat: ???

me: *voice breaking* oh my god. I- i remember. *breathing shallow turns into panic attack*

nat: y/n- y/n look at me. 4/7/8 alr breathe with me.

*i get my shit together*

me: uhm- tony I need to talk to tony he's been avoiding me since i came back.

*walks out*

me: knock knock?

tony: come in- uh i am on my way out but what can help you with?

me: *hugs him*

tony: wha-

me: It's me. It'll really me.

tony: y/n?

me: I- i remember.

tony: *cries*

me: *cries*


i tell bruce next and then tony, pepper and i go out to dinner. Plenty of true love's kiss jokes are made but like-

*anyway i get back from*

dinner and see nat and steve arguing bruce and clint trying to mediate *

cap: my girlfriend got her memory back and none of you told me?!

nat: She is not your gf you. broke. up. steve, move tf on.

cap: we didn't break up we got in a fight and she went missing...

me: *walks in so they see me*

cap: y/n *runs up to me & tries to kiss me*

me: *takes a step back*

cap: :( is this about her?

me: no. this is about me. you treated me like shit the last month of our relationship- we did break up. I fell in love with pietro and lost him.

nat: but you said it yourself that was a different person?

me: and now i am yet a third person trying to mesh two different lives rn— doesn't mean i loved him any less. *sighs*

bruce: movie time?

me: yep. *walking off with him* ooh can we make popcorn?

bruce: obviously.

*good movie night with bruce*

*next day, I go to visit peggy with tony, it's a good day she remembers us*


me: sooo-

t: ???

me: we have sat in an awkward silence for like 8 minutes.

t: 7.

me: still.

t: how goes the capsicle/ nat drama?

me: ugh anything else-

t: ok I upgraded your suit last night.

me: oo what we got?

t: tracker, parachute, longer charge on blasters, more pockets for knives and magazines.

me: thanks.

t: course.

t&me: ...

me: steve is finally backing off- we talked this morning and agreed just friends

t: but-

me: add passive aggressive comment about how he will wait for a little while longer.

t: joy.

me: mhm- and idk what nat is thinking.

t: ...


t: she loves you y/n- she never stopped and i don't think she will.

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