Chapter 11- Nat (stop here if you want a happy ending)

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*some time between Black widow and Infinity War*

*Nat comes into my room*

me: *not looking up from book* hey what's up?

nat: uhm- I have something I need to tell you.

me: *sitting up* Is everything ok?

nat: more or less- remember the little sister I told you about?

me: mhm Yelena, right?

nat: yeah... And our 'parents' uhm. I worked with them on my last mission- they actually helped me take down the Red Room and Yelena has been working to free other agents around the world from their control.

me: that's really great, right? Are you ok? a reunion must have been a lot.

nat: yeah but- It worked out really well, I mean we are family after all.

me: so what's the problem?

nat: ...Lena is coming here next week.

Me: Oh my god yay!

nat: yay?

me: I can't wait to meet her-

nat: *kisses me* you are the best

me: what was that?

*ffw next day, nat and I are fighting some bitch ass hydra agents, easy 1-day mission idfk why this is an avenger's problem*

nat: *shoots a guy* hey wanna get dinner after this?

me: *roundhouse kick* uhm sure- *gets an elbow to the stomach* fuck ow *shoots him in the stomach twice* for that you get to bleed out slowly. embarrass me infront of my gf- you fucking thought *turns to fight next guy*

nat: *laughing*

*ffw, done showering, pokes head out to see nat*

me: what kind of date night is this? we talking nice or like- i should wear good shoes and a jacket- or like why did i bother showering i gotta suit up again?

nat: somewhere in between casual and nice, probably leaning towards nice- i'll bring a jacket if you need it.

me: ...which jacket?

nat: probably my black leather one i haven't worn it in a while-

me: ...uhm yeah you won't be wearing it for a while longer— its in my closet.

nat: *laughing*

*someone knocks on the door while i am finishing my makeup*

me: come innnnnn.

tony: hey!

me: hey, sorry i am just finishing getting ready for a date with nat- what's up?

tony: nothing really just wanted to say hi, see what you were doing-

me: mhmmm

tony: what?

me: you are being like- really weird rn.

tony: no clue what you are talking about-

me: tony.

tony: nothing- now go get ready for your date.

me: you've got me all freaked out.

tony: *sighs* have fun in your date i will tell you later, it's not a big thing- *walks out*

me: ...shit

*I get pretty damn anxious and nat comes and knocks on my door*

n: you ready?

me: uh sure...

n: *nervous herself, doesn't notice me*

me: is there a threat or something everyone is acting weird today, you too-

nat: i don't think anything is going on i'm just worried about yelena's arrival.

me: oh yeah i forgot that, when does she get here?

nat: later tonight- that's why i wanted to get a bit more alone time with you before she sells you all my blackmail and you wanna break up

me: it'll be fun- she couldn't say anything to make me wanna break up anyway.

nat: :) come on let's get going- *presses the up button in the elevator*

me: what?

nat: you'll see

me: ???

*several moments later bc it's a big ass building—> we get to the roof to see a bunck of couches, blankets, pillows, lights, and a big TV screen and projector*

me: *walks out to look at everything* holy shit nat. we literally got back at 5 how did you do this???

nat: *behind me* I had a little help, big night after all.

me: *turns around* what makes it—

nat: *on one knee* y/n-

me: *literal jaw drop*

nat: we have been through a lot, I know. But if we can get through Aliens, Amnesia, and Alius's I think we can get through whatever comes next together.

me: *tearing up*

Nat: so will you do me the honor of marrying me?

me: y- yes! yes!!

nat: *gets up and puts the ring on me*

*everyone including yelena pops out of shadows cheering*

me: *kisses nat*

*ffw thru large movie night with all of us*

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