Chapter 4- Steve Rodgers

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me: *sitting on the counter in bruce's lab while he works* so i need ideas for what to do for revenge, help.

bruce: I say you don't do revenge and end the 2 month war by this crazy new tactic.


bruce: it's called being the bigger person. Stop the insults and the pranks and everything and just move on.

me: I have moved on. I am with steve and he is great.

bruce: lalalalalala *plugging ears*

me: *laughs* 

bruce: don't laugh. when tony finds out he's gonna kill me right after steve. I think the knows tbh have you seen his latest suit?

me: no?

bruce: he calls it the Hulkbuster *gives me a look* 

me: He doesn't know!!!

bruce: true- bc that would mean I am already dead.

me: see, just overreacting. Now i gtg to bed, i'll catch you later.

bruce: night y/n

me: nighty night bruce

        *I go up to my room, get ready, and try to sleep*

me: *just laying in bed*

???: *quietly knocks*

me: come in?

steve: hey, sorry i didn't mean to wake you up.

me: *sitting up but pulling up covers w/ me* nah i just layed down- what's up?

steve: *tosses me a hoodie* come on :)

me: ??? *pulls it on*

steve: trust me.

me: uhmm ok—

*i follow him out and into the elevator*

me: ok what are we doing... and should i have put on actual pants rather than these shorts...

s: i like the shorts

me: they are very short

s: exactly.

me: not very weather appropriate

s:'ll be fine.

*we get down to the garage and he hands me a helmet*

me: you are going to kill me. *takes it and puts it on*

s: *laughing*

*we ride- me holding on very tight bc his motorcycle still scares the shit out of me*

s: *stops* we're here

me: where is here?

s: *turns me* here.

*imagine a beautiful cliff side by the sea with a sky full of stars*

me: woah

s: pretty view for a pretty girl. anddd i have this *pulls out a blanket and a thermos of coffee*

me: *laughs lightly* you are too good to me.

s: *wraps arm around my shoulder* come on you look freezing

me: mhm

*we sit down and stargaze- me snuggled up very tight w/ the blanket and him bc these shorts really aren't cutting it*

s: hey, i know your birthday isn't until tomorrow but- *pulls out a box*

me: you didn't have to.

s: mhmm just open it.

*it's his WW2 dog tags*

me: omg- are you sure?

s: *laughs lightly* yep

me: *kisses him & puts them on* tytyty

s: i'm glad you like them...

me: what?

s: you're the prettiest gf a guy could ask for.

me: oh shut up.

* is a very lovely night, we get home around 3AM and ya*

*next morning*

me: *asleep, still in steve's hoodie bc i crashed*

???: *knocks and opens the door* Y/n pepper needs you.

me: ???

Clint: y/n. please get up...

me: mhmmm *gets up and waddles to meet pepper in the living room*

pepper: *crying*

me: pepper?

p: y/n i- *hugs me*

me: *looks up to see a very upset happy and others standing around looking at me- with that look*

me: Where is tony?

p: *sobbing*

me: *voice breaking* where is tony!!!!

steve: y/n-

me: no. no no nonono *sobbing*

steve: *hugging me- i don't even know when he got there but* hey it's ok-

me: it can't be real. it-

steve: shh

me: *just cries into his shoulder*

*the seven rings attacked*

*tony is 'dead'*

*like- 3 hrs later, i am alone in my bed watching movies*

steve: *knocks lightly & enters* i come bearing cake.

me: oOoo what flavor?

steve: what, no "fuck off" this time?

me: ...sorry bout that- i have come to my senses.

steve: ???

me: what you all left out of the story is there was no body found.

s: y/n-

me: he's alive- my brother has cheated death way too many times there is no way he is going to lose to some petty hackers obsessed with fortune cookies.

s: y/n...

me: don't look at me like that- i'm not crazy. now what kind of cake do you have?

s:'s german chocolate

me: perfect!

*he pulls a candle out of his pocket and sings- i laugh my ass off- and we eat and watch a movie*


me: it makes sense right? that he would be alive?

s: ...

me: yeah- uhmm *voice breaking* i am going to go take a shower...

s: ok- do you want me to stay in here or?

me: uhmm- sure i will be out in a minute.

s: alright, take your time.

me: mhm

*i sit there and sob in the shower*

*30 mins later*

me: *in a towel, exiting br but cannot see into room* hey love have you seen my— *enters room to see clint and nat in there.*

c: no, honey, i can't say that i have *laughing*

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