Chapter 2- Welcome to the Avengers

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me: nope. fuck this- *walks out* fury you and i will have a very lovely conversation later.

Fury: looking forward to it.

           *i basically go dark, i go to our hotel in Maui and stay in a Suite there*

           *you know how the rest of the movie goes, i just watch it through the news*

*i get another call from fury, Barton (who i have worked with before and would consider a friend) was kidnapped by a god.*

*i go in and am the one to get Dr. Banner, which literally does not affect the mission at all, except I hide out with him to avoid Nat and Tony*

me: *in my room, minding my damn business*

cap: hey, do you mind if i come in?

me: not at all. what's up?

cap: uh i just have a few questions...

me: go for it captain.

cap: you are Stark's sister right?

me: yes

cap: why don't you two get along?

me: last time I talked to him he called me a slut and ended up throwing me out of his birthday party when i refused to change my outfit.

cap: oh- uh...

me: -can i ask you a few questions?

cap: now i am getting nervous.

me: uh- you are like- actually steve rodgers right?

cap: *laughs* yes ma'am

me: and even tho you were on ice for 70 years— your memory..

cap: fully intact.

me: and if i were to mention the name Margret carter?

cap: i would mourn.

me: unnecessarily.


me: she is alive- and she. she has Alzheimer's. but she keeps talking about you lately. I think it would mean a lot to her if you were to visit.

cap: ...who is she to you? *internally: did her and stark fondu?!*

me: my godmother, and mentor. not my biological mother rodgers, you can breathe. she never had kids (in this AU) but she did get married, her spouse passed a few years back tho.

cap: ...

me: I will tell you more if you ever want to hear—

cap: *hugs me*

me: *freezes, but hugs him too*

cap: thank you.

*nat comes and knocks on the door*

n: *staring at us* uhm- Fury called a meeting, think we may have found loki.

            *ffw to whole Kneeling scene, we get out there a little quicker than in the movie*


me: *kneels*

cap: *internally: wtf?*

nat: *on comms, laughing her ass off*

loki: *walking over to us* the soldier, and the spy. at least one of you knows how to follow orders.

me: yes daddy. *rolls eyes and sweeps his legs out from beneath him*

*loki & steve fighting*

*tony comes, you know how it goes*

*back on helicarrier after loki is in cell, talking to fury*

T:Y/N!!!- what the fuck was that??

me: me doing my job- you crashing my party.


me: like you would care- look i have to go- fury wants me.

T: y/n y/m/n stark.

me: *walks out*

      *thru cams: watching nat do her thing*

me: *to fury* fuck. *runs to Banner's lab* Bruce we have to get you out of here!

           *Everyone else comes in and starts arguing*

           *just zone out and focus on my breathing like peggy taught me*


           *i run to fury and take out some of the other agents (using a night-night gun) while nat takes out barton*

*in clint's room when he wakes up*

clint: *mumbling*

me: morning sleeping beauty.

clint: y/n?

nat: so you do know each other.

me: only one liar in this room, romanova.

clint: christ- my head.

nat: *pretending to ignore me* is it really you?

clint: yeah-

           *steve comes in*

cap: we have a problem guys-

me: no shit.

cap: a new one.

me: *getting up and following him* yayyyy

         *ffw thru battle of NY to tony redirecting the nuke*

me: tony.

t: hey kiddo.

me: *voice breaking* don't do this- there has to be another way... right?

t: I'm sorry i was a shit brother

me: no no no- you are the best big brother. now put the nuke down and let's go get lunch

t: if i put the nuke down there will be no lunch.

me: *crying* please.

t: i love you *comms cut*

me: no no no no no no!

cap: *wraps an arm around me* come on stark...

         *tony makes it back down, i can't even look at him when he's unconcious bc it's too much, thor does his thing, and we go get shawarma*

me: you know i was expecting you to pick mcDonalds but this is pretty good.

t: :) ig i am still in shock about what you said

me: ???

t: best big brother is a pretty esteemed title.

me: oh now i want to take it back

t: oh now you sound like the Nobel prize committee

me: well you slept with that guy's wife!

t: she wasn't wearing a ring!!! how was i supposed to know?!

both: *laugh*

cap: god give me strength.

me: *looks at thor (god of thunder)* do you do that?

thor: *paying zero attention, in love with food* ???

           *ffw to avengers tower move in day*

*i am an avenger now ig. idfk what is going on anymore*

*tony and i are good but he & clint keep trying to get me to talk to nat...

eventually i just flipped out at them about how trust is earned and they fucked off*

Sorry it's kinda an uneventful chapter. Hope y'all liked it!!!

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