Chapter 5- Steve vs. Nat pt 1

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      *after getting out of a very long shower (where I basically just cried because tony was killed by the seven rings*

me: *in a towel, exiting br but cannot see into room* hey love have you seen my— *enters room to see clint and nat in there.

c: no honey i can't say that i have *laughing*

me: shit. *blushes*

n: *mumbles smthn*

cap: ...what are you looking for?

me: *realizes i am in a towel & everyone is staring* uh *mumbling* the hoodie i borrowed last night

s: ... oh it's right here.

me: thanks imma- *gestures vaguely to bathroom*

*i go change and i hear yelling and laughing but i can't make out words*

me: *walks back in in christmas sweats and the hoodie*

nat: *stares at me, looks pissed, and leaves*

me: uhmm- so what can i do for you clint?

c: *laughing* nat and i just wanted to check on you- and give you these... *holds up two bags*

me: oh uh- thanks... uhm can you like- not-

c: *mock zips his lips*

me: thanks...

*clint sets the bags down and walks out with a "happy birthday, let me know if u need anything" and i lye down next to steve & bury my face in his chest*

me: I'm sorry

s: *laughing* it's alright.

me: fuck this day sucks- i want to just wake up already.

s: you wanna open those?

me: not rn... uhm do you need to go i feel bad-

s: no i'm all yours

me: thank you...

s: mhm

*we fall asleep, ffw two weeks*

pretty much all i do is lay in bed and watch movies... sometimes w/ steve but less frequently now. it has really set in and i want to be alone more.

events of Iron man 3 unfold

None of my b-day gifts have been opened

*tony comes home*

me: *running up to him, sobbing with joy* you fucker- stop pretending to be dead or istg.

thor: you have treated this fair lady like loki does.

tony: i am sorry kid- and really sorry i missed your birthday but i think i can make up for it.

me: probably not- but it will be fun watching you try

tony: belated birthday party?

me: dude i haven't even opened any of my presents it's not really belated.

tony: perfect then.

*ffw a few hours*

i just finished putting up christmas decorations in my room and am going down to the gym (bc tbh i have not wanted to do either of those things all month)

me: *walking into the gym, hears steve and clint talking & stops*

clint: yk you are going to have to tell tony- the rest of the team knows

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