Chapter 4

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  Mary Sat there on the ground confused

"What just happened?" She thought to herself.

She wondered how a man she was just conversing with vanished before her very own eyes, how did he even get in if the doors of the mansion were locked? She was so lost in their conversation that she forgot to ask him the reason why the doors of the mansion were shut. Was it to prevent thieves from breaking in or was it to prevent her from going out? she did not know but she was hopeful that he would come again the following night since according to him he was nocturnal.

She looked at the time and it was exactly 5:00 a.m. so that meant that he was only visible for five hours each night, she would only be able to spend five hours of every night with him.

She stood up and went back to her room with the thought of her husband on her mind; his glowing silver eyes, his neatly cut hair, his beautifully shaped face with his jaw cut out as sharp as the edge of a blade, his deep calming voice, his beautifully shaped muscular physique and of course how he towered over her. She never imagine that a man could look that perfect and that was in contrast to what she thought he would look like if he truly existed. She expected him to be something hideous perhaps at beast like creature or a zombie even but he turned out to be a perfect looking gentleman. Initially she was sad but now seeing her husband slightly gladdened her heart but was it just all about his looks? what about his personality, wasn't she to consider it too? Did she consider it or did it so happen that she got blinded by his perfect appearance? what about the curse upon her husband? did she forget about it or did she simply not care about it? Since seeing her husband slightly gladdened her heart did it mean that she was now happy being married to the cursed Liam?

Since she saw how polite he was towards her she assumed that he was a nice man with an amazing personality and she was also well aware of the curse but what was she to do about it? Running away from him wasn't an option, her only option was to start getting used to it all. She fell asleep still thinking about him.

Meanwhile Rose was unable to fall asleep because she worried greatly about the safety of her precious daughter. She didn't even know where they had taken her Mary to, she didn't even know if Liam was real or just a figment of Andrew's imagination. She was well aware that there was a curse but what she wondered was whether the curse was really placed on the imaginary Liam or if the curse was placed on Andrew so he'd think he had a son. If the latter was the case then that meant her daughter was in great danger. She decided that she was going to see Andrew the next day and find out where her daughter had been taken to.

After a long night of tossing and turning it was finally morning. Rose took her bath and left to see Andrew without having breakfast which she wouldn't miss on a normal day but this day however she was a mother on a mission to find her only child so she could care less about breakfast.

When she got to Andrew's house she nervously knocked on the door not knowing what to expect; was she going to get sent away for coming too early or was Andrew going to agree to see her? After knocking she patiently waited expecting someone to open the door but no one did so she knocked again and waited. This time a tall guy who appeared to be Andrew's guard opened the door

"Mrs Rose it is still so early in the morning, what brings you here?" The guard asked

"I would like to have a word with Andrew" Rose replied with a frown

"Oh master, you want to speak with my master. I shall go now to inform him please come in and have a seat while I go and inform him" The guard said letting Rose in and offering her a seat. Minutes later Andrew joined her

"To what do I owe this visit fair Rose" He asked with smile taking a seat

"I would like to know where my daughter has been taken to, I fear that she might not be safe where she is" Rose said avoiding eye contact with Andrew

"There is nothing to worry about Rose, your daughter is perfectly fine in her husband's home she has everything she needs to make her stay enjoyable" Andrew replied

"How do I believe you when you won't let me see her?"

"You just have to trust me fair Rose with time I shall grant you access to your daughter but for now she has to get used to her husband and the house"

"But Andrew she will feel very lonely there"

"Why is that?"

"Because umm your son....he umm....he"

"He what? Doesn't exist? If it were to be someone else that said what you just said, heaven knows I would have had them killed but since you're the mother of my son's wife I'll let it slide. I don't want to speak about this anymore you can use the door when you're ready to leave" Andrew said leaving Rose in annoyance

"Ma'am I think it's time for you to leave." The guard politely said gesturing towards the door.

Rose got up and left feeling sad perhaps if her husband were to be alive all these won't have happened, maybe things would have been better and her nineteen years old daughter would not have been married off to an invisible man. If she had known that this was what Andrew meant when he said "you'll owe me one" then she would never have accepted his help ten years ago, she would have found another way to get out of her problem but she chose the easy way out; accepting help from a stranger and refusing to listen to the warnings of her friend. Perhaps all that glitters wasn't gold and now she understood it perfectly.

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