Chapter 6

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  Meanwhile while Liam was spending time with Mary his father tried summoning him but he didn't show up.

"What could be taken his time?" He thought to himself while pouring himself a glass of vodka.

For years he has been trying to break the curse that was placed on his only son. He blame himself everyday for the curse because if he hadn't killed the witch's son his own son won't have been cursed. Him killing the son of the witch was an accident it happened when he got into a gun fight with a rival gang all because of a land that the rival gang was claiming to be theirs. Of a truth none of them owned the land but they both wanted it because was very good for growing marijuana and whoever owned it was already a billionaire so the two gang decided to go into a gun fight and agreed that if they could kill many members from Andrew's gang then they would own the land but if Andrew and his men could kill most of the men in the rival gang then the land would be theirs.

During the fight the witch's son unknown to him that there was a fight going on decided to search for some herbs for his mom on the land and he didn't hear the gunshot because he was deaf. That was how a bullet from Andrew's gun hit him and he died instantly but Andrew didn't know what he had done until the witch appeared to him in his sleep

"You killed my son" She said weeping bitterly

"Who are you?" Andrew asked looking very confused

"You must also feel the pain I feel over the loss of my only son. For killing my son your wife shall die while giving birth to the child in her and that child shall become invisible once he gets to be age of my son whom you killed. He will not die because I know that they loss of your wife will be as painful as the loss of my only son but your son shall suffer too" The witch said still weeping before she disappeared.

That was how Andrew ended up in the mess he currently was in. He lost his wife because of his foolishness and his only son had to suffer because of his mistake. What made it worse was that the seer told him that if his son couldn't produce a son with a woman who loved him then he would die before he turned thirty five. The seer explained that the first son would be taken by the witch as a replacement for her son whom Andrew killed. Liam could only become normal again if the spirit of the witch's son could successfully possess the body of his first son which meant that Mary was going to have a still birth if she conceived.

  Liam wasn't happy that his wife would go through the pain of carrying a child only to find out that the pain would all be for nothing as she won't get to hold that child but there was nothing he could do about it and there was also no way he was going to tell Mary about it because he feared that she might not want to conceive for him if she knew the whole truth. Andrew was also not happy about it but there was nothing he could do.

When Liam found out that the reason he became invisible during the day and visible at night at the young age of fifteen was because of his father's mistake he felt really angry. All that had to happen because his father greedily fought for a useless piece of land which he ended up getting at the cost of his mother's life and his as well.

At that age he went through a lot of pain and he blamed his father he also left home for some time which was why his father built his current house for him. The first three years felt like hell for Liam because he had to go through all that pain alone far away from home. After he had grieved the loss of his mom and spent time away from home he decided to forgive his father. His father put him in that mess so surely his father could get him out of it

He appeared in his father's room one night after three years of staying away from home "father" Liam called with a faint voice out of exhaustion "Son!" His father who was sitting by his window shouted out in shock "Son" Andrew called again

"I'm sorry Liam please forgive me" He pleaded with his son

"I need food father" Liam whispered before passing out.

Andrew hurriedly ordered his maids to prepare his son's favorite meal and called his doctor to check up on son. After a while Liam became conscious again and found his father sitting by his bed side

"Father, food" He said still feeling weak. He was too weak to feed himself so Andrew fed him while they chatted. Andrew wanted to know everything that happened during the three years he was away but he refused to talk about it instead Liam told Andrew that he had forgiven him and asked him how he had been during the three years he was away.

"It was one of the worse three years of my life. I thought about you every passing day and hoped that you were safe wherever you were" He narrated

"I'm sorry dad I just needed time" Liam replied with a weak smile

"I understand son. I'm just so happy you have decided to come back home I even built you a big house far from here just in case you don't want to stay here with me"

"I'm back home dad. I've come to stay." Liam replied

That is the story of how Liam ended up where he is now. Since he didn't show up at Andrew's place when Andrew called him, Andrew guessed that he was with his wife because why else would he not respond to the call of his father?

The thought of him bonding with his wife gladdened Andrew's heart because it meant that they were making progress. It meant that soon they would give birth to a son and break the curse that was upon Liam.

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