Chapter 5

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  Mary woke up late the following day because she spent the night talking with her husband instead of sleeping but however she had no job and nowhere to be so should it still be considered waking up late? It's only waking up late if you have something to do or somewhere to be is it not?

She did have chores to do but she also had all day to do them so perhaps it was better for her to sleep as long as she wanted and use the chores to keep herself busy later, maybe even watch some movies afterwards. Seemed like the perfect plan to avoid the grip of loneliness or worse getting crazy because of lack of company.

She took her bath and brushed her teeth and made breakfast. Apparently the house was well stocked with lots of food so she could make whatsoever she wanted to eat. She made breakfast and ate alone wishing that her mom was present to eat with her or perhaps her lovely nocturnal husband.

She used to have someone to share breakfast with, someone who she could chat and laugh with but now that someone wasn't with her because her lovely husband and his father forcefully separated them without giving them a choice. She tried calling her mom but it wasn't connecting so she just gave up an anxiously waited for midnight which was the time Liam would become visible.

The time seemed to pass by really slowly that day perhaps it was because she wanted to see her husband so badly so she could get answers to the question she had. She just wish she could close her eyes and open them and then boom! midnight but no it's didn't happen so she watched some more movies and to her delight after watching so many movies and taking little naps it was finally night time. She happily prepared dinner, ate, did her night routine and went to bed so she would wake up just in time to find her husband either sitting beside her or in the kitchen looking for something to eat.

She woke up at exactly 12:00 a.m. but her husband hadn't come so she just Sat there on her bed waiting and feeling very hopeful that he would show up but thirty minutes later she was still there on her bed this time lying down because she was tired of waiting. She wondered if he was going to come but she had no other option than to wait because there was no spell she could use to summon him.

An hour past and Liam had not still shown up. She even decided to work around the house with hopes that she would find him somewhere around the house but her darling husband was nowhere to be found

"Isn't Liam going to come today? does this mean that I have waited in vain? why didn't he show up?" she asked herself feeling frustrated as she went back to her room. She waited some more but fell asleep when her husband failed to show up.

The following day she checked her pot of food to see if Liam had eaten from it but the food was still untouched so that meant he never showed up. She felt so angry and sad; angry that he became visible and didn't bother to show up and sad that he didn't think of her which could have been the reason he failed to show up. What if he had forgotten that he had a wife?

The time past by slowly as she tried her best to not think of Liam she also missed her mother so much but she couldn't reach her. She read a lot of books and watched movies to keep herself busy, she also tried to open the front door but it was still not opening.
She felt like a prisoner but there was nothing she could do about it.

When night time came she did her usual routine and went to bed not bothering to wait for her husband. She woke up later that night to pee only to see Liam taking a bath

"Liam!" she called out in shock

"Ahhh, Mary my beautiful wife you're finally up" Liam said with a smile still in the bathtub

"Why didn't you show up last night?" She asked pouting

"I had something important to attend to my dear wife"

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