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{Jordan's pov}

We're together once again. I can't wipe the smile off my face. I am never letting him go again.

"Will?" I asked quietly, not really prepared to start anything but the curiosity was eating away at every little bit of me there was left.

"Mhm?" He replied not looking at me, he was still rocking slightly.

I shifted around and pulled my knees up to my chest, "How often do you drink?"

Will stopped rocking, "Uh, well, um. Okay, Jordan. Oh god, Jor. I-"

'Great.' The voice chuckled, 'you've been together five minutes and you already screwed it up. Good one, man.'

I scowled at the floor, "Shut up." I mumbled softly so Will wouldn't hear, "nobody asked you."

Will awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, "Let's see, so today's Friday. And we broke up two years ago at Prime. Uh, everyday, at least eight times if not more. I get completely shit-faced and usually cut afterwards." He said quickly, I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"Not my arms, of course, my legs or stomach or something. I have to be sober when I cut my arms. Too important and I have to be precise, no room for error. Twenty four, no more and no less, perfectly straight lines." He rambled.

In the midst of his rambling he stopped and looked my dead in the eyes, "Fucking hell." He whispered, "You totally think I'm mental. Don't you?"

I leaned my head on his shoulder, "Yes." He face dropped, "but it's okay because I am too. Except mine is with the cuts and burns on my stomach."

"And thighs." I quickly added. Will tilted his head to the side, I slowly raised my shirt to reveal a smiley face I had used a cigarette to burn on my skin.

On top of that, I have been getting pretty good at drawing the past year or so and I've began to start sketching things into my stomach with a razor.

Will put a hand over his mouth and pulled my in for a hug. "Oh, Jordan." He sighed.

I shifted uncomfortably, "Uh, Will. There's more." He pulled back suddenly and waited for me to continue.

I lifted up my left hand and showed it to him palm side up, revealing the scars from when I had traced the creases of my hand with my razor.

The creases where people usually trace with pen, I had cut. "Jordan." Will whispered. I closed my eyes and waited for him to call me a freak and make me leave.

I'd have to leave, this time not on my own terms. Tears escaped as I waited for the blow of his words.

But they never came.

"Jordan, baby." He mumbled, "My poor little Jor. I'm so sorry, come here." He motioned for me to hug him and suddenly I was engulfed in a hug.

"I was expecting you to flip." I said awkwardly, Will shrugged.

"You didn't flip when I showed you my twenty four. Nor did you leave when I said I was insane."

"I'm here for you, and I always will be. Whether you want me or not, Jordan." He said honestly.

I smiled into his chest and inhaled his beautiful scent. "I still wear my bracelet." I added and gestured to the arm with my cut up hand.

Will looked down and smiled. He rolled up his right sleeve and projected his to the world.

"Me too." He smiled. I pulled down the sleeves to the hoodie I quickly realised wasn't mine.

"Oh dear god. I still have your hoodie." I quickly tried to shrug it off when Will stopped me.

"Keep it." He said, "For when we're far apart you'll have a piece of me."

He smiled down at me, "No matter what."

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