Chapter 3 - Pool

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War POV:

A combination of tremendous headache and nausea woke me up. I was in a hotel room but not mine.

There are lots of things in common with a hangover blackout and a horror movie.

The room was dark because of the opaque curtains. My heart was thumping with worry. I was jumpy with every sound. And worst of all...

I knew that some kind of entity was on my right side on the bed. As usual horror movie practices go, I turned to see who or what it was.


Thank God, it was a normal human being sleeping next to me.

But... Sarawat? How?

Last thing I remembered I linked arms with a girl to drink a disgusting cocktail. Then the shots hit me.

And then... Sarawat mumbled something and turned around.

All I wanted was to crawl to a small circular area on earth and just die there.

He was naked! Like... completely!

Okay. Here is the plan. Grab your shorts. Run like hell.

I didn't say it was a good and detailed plan.

On the bright side, I had my t-shirt and boxers on. I didn't feel anything on my body to indicate any sexual occurance. Good sign.

Because I was afraid of waking him up, I just slightly lifted my head up from the pillow and searched for my stuff with my eyes. I only needed my wallet and my phone.

They were on the nightstand on the Sarawat's side. I slowly got up and walked on my tiptoes to reach there.

Just as I was turning around, Sarawat held my right wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?"

All of my energy to avoid embarrassment... went down the drain.

"To my room."

"Seriously? After all we went through?"

He pulled me so I was sitting on the bed and he sat up too. I was looking at the carpeted floor. How nice the colors were! I looked at the palm of my hands. New calluses appeared since I was playing my guitar a lot lately.


The raspy but stern voice of Sarawat was sending a strong message that indicates I wouldn't be able to avoid the following conversation.

"War, are you mad at me?"

I didn't expect this though.

"Mad at you? For what?"

"For everything... for calling you Tine. That was shitty of me. And for last night."

"What... uhm. What happened last night?"

"You kissed me. When I put you on my bed. I... tried to push you away, I swear. But I couldn't. I'm sorry."

"Let me get this straight. I forced myself on you when I was drunk and you are apologising to me because you couldn't stop me?"

He laughed and ran his finger through his hair. It was quite adorable.

I got up from where I sat in a fury.

"Ugh. Why are you such a gentleman on top of this face and the body?!"

"Uuuhhm. I am sorry?"

"Just shut up!"

He closed the zip of his mouth with his hand.

"What happened after that?"

He made a noise while showing me his shut mouth.

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